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Tom stretched out his arms, squinting his eyes open at the clock on the wall. 10:33. He'd been up for a while, even though he'd been trying to get some sleep before they checked out the mansion. What was the use? He usually stayed up with Tord now, and his body wasn't used to sleeping before midnight. Tord. Just a few weeks ago, he'd never thought he'd ever talk to him again. Atleast..without fighting. And now... he didn't want to spend a day without  talking to him. Just thinking of how it was before they made up... Even Edd and Matt were more involved in their lives now that they did.. His heart sped up and his cheeks warmed at the thought. Tom breathed out uneasily. I must have too many blankets over me.... He sunk his head into his pillow before slowly pushing off his blankets and going to the kitchen. I need some water, or something.. He suddenly stopped at the movement behind the counter. That wasn't Ringo.. He instinctively opened the silverware drawer and pulled out a kitchen knife, holding it back in his right hand. Where are harpoons when you need them.. He slowly walked around to the corner where he'd seen the movement and slashed whatever could've been behind the counter.       "AGH-!" The familiar voice shrieked. Tom froze, slowly moving to where it was. Tord grabbed the knife from his hand and threw it, slowly backing away from him on the tiled floor. His eyes flickered up to the brit's. "W-WHAT THE ACTUAL F-FUCK! WERE YOU TRYING TO K-KILL ME?!" Tom jolted back at the sight of the norski. "I-SHIT-I THOUGHT SOMEONE BROKE IN-WHY ARE YOU BEHIND THE COUNTER?!" Tom stared at the line of blood staining his hoodie, swallowing thickly. Shit shit shit. "Agh-I-I wanted to stay up.. I-incase you all fell asleep-" Tord painfully winced. "A-hha..." "H-Hold on.." Tom was tempted to scream childishly, but it would make it worse if Edd and Matt woke up anyways. He could take care of this himself. He ran to the cabinet in the laundry room and pulled out Edd's medical stuff. Tom sprinted back faster than he knew he could, kneeling down next to Tord and reaching for his hoodie. He retaliated, fear tinting his eyes. "D-Don't.." Guilt panged at his chest. "I'll be careful!" He assured. "You sure were with that damn knife.." Tom ignored him, slowly pulling his hoodie over his head and revealing the gray fabric and crimson-red gash beneath it. He tried gently rubbing antibiotic over his shoulder and the norski jolted back, whimpering. "T-Tom-" The Brit quickly pulled back for a second before barely pressing the medicine against his wound one more time. Tord groaned but gave in as he spread it over entirely. Tord winced after he wrapped it, leaning into his chest. "Tord-I seriously didn't mean to fuck up your shoulder like that-are you..ok?" Tord reached his other arm around him, tightly pulling on his hoodie. "Considering the fact that I haven't died in your arms, I'd say ya." He glanced over at his shoulder. "Tis' but a scratch~" Tom's shoulders relaxed, and he carefully secured his arms around him. Tord nuzzled against his chest, calming his violently beating heart. "Guess we can't go check out the mansion for a while." He whispered. Tord pulled his head back. "Y-Ya we can! I didn't stay up this long just to get sliced!!" Tom winced. "It's just my shoulder, I'll be fine!" They both stood up, and Tom picked up his blood-invested piece of fabric. "..But Edd and Matt will notice your shoulder. And your hoodie..." Tord hesitated for a moment. "Can you wash it before Edd sees? I have another one I can wear." Tom nodded, watching him disappear up the stairs. "Be careful." he mumbled.

Tord rummaged through his drawers, sliding out a pink hoodie with bacon embroidered on it in Japanese writing and pulling it over his head. 

He shot a quick glance at the clock next to his bed. 11:06. Oh. I probably need to go wake up the others. Tord put a hand over his shoulder, jerking it back at the searing pain he felt. What had even happened..Why was Tom being so paranoid? He stopped for a moment before stepping out of his room. There was no way he had known it was him, he lost his shit when he saw his gash. And... Tord relaxed a bit. He could feel how fast his heart had been beating... The lingering feeling made his pain seem almost nonexistent for a moment. He walked along the walls, knocking roughly at Matt's door and sprinting to do the same to Edd's. Edd surprisingly seemed to quickly open it after, walking over to him. "I-I didn't sleep in did I? I just tried to get in some rest before we left.." Tord shook his head. "Your fine. It's not even twelve yet." He yawned. "Is Matt up yet?" He rolled his eyes. "Do you see him?" Edd narrowed his eyes at him. "Wow. I haven't seen you wear that thing in a while." He said, clearly changing the subject. Luckily, Tord was feeling generous this time. "I-I just wanted to wear something different for a change.." The door to the ginger's room slowly pushed open. "Ughhh. What wise guy-" Matt grumbled. Tord and Edd blinked at him. He widened his narrow eyes as they came into focus. "Woah. What's going on? Why are both of you awake?" Tord deadpanned. "Alvor...We're going to check out the mansion remember?" Matt shuddered. "O-Oh yeah....Nice hoodie by the way!" Tord half-smiled, looking at the ground and snagging his phone out of his hoodie pocket to text Tom. 'Are you done? Edd and Matt are up now'. "Hmm. Is Tom up yet?" Tord tensed. "U-Um I don't think so? I'll go see if he's in his room.." Edd raised an eyebrow at him. He ignored this and opened the door to his room, pretending to walk in and look around. Come on, come on...Text back.. Tord anxiously looked around, trying to buy more time. "Hey-uh Tord, were gonna go downstair-" He rushed out of the room. "Ya-ha-he's not in his room. I'm going with you guys." Matt gave him a puzzled look when he walked a bit faster than them to the stairs, jumping down a few steps. He peered over the corner of the stairs but didn't see Tom. I swear this is the last time I cover for you.. He quickly sprinted to the laundry room, spotting the brit holding...bleach. Tord grabbed it from his hands and put it back in the cabinet. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING? YOUR GONNA MAKE IT WORSE!" He took his hoodie, throwing it behind the washer. Tom just stared at him, suddenly speechless. "Edd and Matt are awake now we have to go! It's fine we can do this later-" Matt peered his head in the room. "Do what later?" Tord froze, his mind running through thousands of possible things he could say. "I-Um We were just theorizing about this movie we watched." Tom blurted. Matt looked confused, but nodded. "Ok, ya. Come on let's go!" He said excitedly. Tord shot Tom an unamused look as they walked towards the door. "What? It worked. Did you forget who we were talking to?" He frowned. "Why would we be doing that in the laundry room?" He shrugged. "I-I don't.." Tord held back a smile, taking the opportunity to reach up and poke him in the cheek. "Classic-" Tom pressed a finger against his lips, and he quickly shut up, his voice catching in his throat. He pulled open the back car door and slid into the seat next to Matt, warmth tickling his cheeks. 

"H-How far away is this place again?" 

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