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Tord fell back against his bed, staring at the ceiling. They'd all actually spent a day-like they used to.. Well, they hadn't gone anywhere, but they really didn't need to to just have a good time together.. Even him and Tom weren't as fussy as usual...Tom...He did care. He actually did. Tord shoved a pillow over his face. He doesn't even hate me..I can't believe teasing him started that...He laughed at himself softly. He sighed and rolled over to the side of his bed. Maybe I should..He shouldn't be in one of his moods after today. Tord got out of bed to unlock his door. Ha, did he even need to do that now? He walked along the hall to Tom's room, slowly opening the door. Which surprisingly wasn't locked. Tord poked his head in to see Tom leaning against the wall and pulling off his checkered socks. "Oi, Pineapple boy." Tom looked over and stared at him. "So your gonna call me that now Sunshine lollipops?" Tord scowled at him. "Ya know, sure, if you gave me an actual decent nickname." Tom smirked at him. "Ok, how about Sunshine?" "No that sounds stupid.." like some lovey dovey type sh- "Weeb-" "NO" Tom threw one of the socks he'd just taken off. "Hmm... I'll think of one. But um.. Why are you in my room ?"

Tord looked around his room. Still had that same asdf poster, still had that old stuffed animal. Tord honestly thought it was cute though. "Well, today was...actually fun. It hasn't been for a long time... and I thought I'd try actually hanging out like we used to... if you want to that is..." Tom glanced at him. "Didn't think you would. And yea, it was."The room was dimly lit, besides the lamp on Tom's bedside table. Tord welcomed himself onto his bed, to the edge he used to always sit and talk to Tom on. Tom slouched next to him, fidgeting around with his phone. "You still have Tomee bear huh?" Tord said, grinning at him. Tom's cheeks reddened a bit. "Yea.., I don't know how I've managed to keep it this entire time. It just...It reminds me of a lot of things i guess.." Tord giggled. "Like in middle school when you were such a dork, and I gave you rainbow lollipops every time you'd help me with homework that you usually ended up doing for me?" Tom looked at him. "Yea, sunshine lollipops." Tord tilted his head at him. "I didn't even like that name then. And you still manage to get away with calling me it." He sighed. "And you called me 'Classic stupid Tom' every time you saw me with that stupid stuffed bear." Tord laughed softly. I didn't realize how much I've missed this....He moved closer to him and leaned against his arm. He heated up quite a bit. "H-Hey what are you doing?" "Oh nothing. You know, that bear wasn't the only thing you used to cuddle." Tord said, smirking. "We're not little kids any more Tord." Tom retorted nervously. "I know... I miss it though. I miss everything. I never meant to...." Tom slowly gave in. "I didn't mean to do that either. I was just confused about it I guess." "...And drunk." Tord finished for him. Tom smiled sheepishly and opened his arms. Tord staggered back a bit. "Ugh-you smell weirdddd..." Tom furrowed his eyebrows. "Don't even try that. You said you missed this, and I know you do." Tord blushed but gave into his hug, and feeling Tom's arms around him again after so long made his heart flutter. Or was that all in his head...

Tom pulled away just to stare into Tord's sunset red eyes. "Oi, snap out of it.." Tord said nervously, shooting him a flustered look. Tom blinked a few times before putting a hand over the back of his neck. "Woah, you've been staring at me too." He pointed out. "S-shut up.." The two of them looked off for a moment, before Tom noticed his laptop over on his dresser. "So... want to watch a movie or something?" Tord looked at him suspiciously, and smirked. "NOT HENTAI. That shit makes my eyes bleed.." Tord giggled. "Ok. I assume some horror movie then?" "Hell yea. I downloaded IT chapter 2 the other day. Was gonna watch it but the hangover was too bad.." Tom got up to get his laptop and slouched back against the wall of the bed to open it. Tord crawled over beside him, eyeing the keyboard. Before Tom reached to type the password, Tord was already tapping the keys. His eyes widened. "After everything you still remembered that?" "Yep, thought you would have changed it though." Tom's cheeks reddened a bit at the home screen. Tord looked surprised for a second. "G-Graduation? Ah. That day was quite a memory. I can remember us all panicking over the cost of the house haha." The picture Had Tom in the middle, with Tord frantically waving around at the camera while on top of his shoulders. Matt was making sure he didn't fall with a weird determined look on his face, and Edd was just laughing at them. I forgot that was there. Tom pulled open his download folder and clicked on the movie. "Don't cry, it's supposed to have a sad ending I've heard." Tord said. "Your the one who needs to worry about that." He retorted.

"If you say so Pineapple boy."

Matt quietly walked into the kitchen, looking around to see if anyone was there. The silence made him a bit uneasy, considering the usual laughing and yelling of the four that filled the room. He walked over to the cabinets and opened them to get a bowl for some eddsworld cereal. It was unusually early, but Matt had woken up so he decided to just get up. I usually can't even go back to sleep in the morning. He opened the fridge to get milk, and poured it into a bowl. He felt a sudden movement on the back of his neck, and he flicked it. It happened again after a minute, and this time he thought he heard soft giggling behind him. He spun around and almost screamed at Edd, who had been right behind him the entire time. "Y-You can't do that!" Matt squealed. Edd burst out laughing. "Y-Your such an idiot.." "I'm not! I'm just paranoid, I usually don't get up this early!" It was dark, and he hoped that was enough to hide his flushed face. "Why are you getting cereal this early in the dark then?" Matt furrowed his eyebrows. "I didn't want to wake you up!" Edd smiled at him and flipped on the light. "You worry too much Matt." He yawned and looked over at the stairs. "Guess I better start microwaving the bacon, Tord is definitely going to be hungry since last night haha." Matt nodded. "Is your foot better? I told you you would drop the toaster..!" Edd looked over at him. "Ha..Thanks for asking. Yea, I kinda deserved that for taking Tord's food though. Then again, it's his fault for not eating it-" He suddenly slipped and Matt caught him before he hit the floor. Edd blushed, slowly getting back to his feet. "T-thanks Matt.." Matt scratched his head. "No, that was my fault. I guess I must have spilled the milk without realizing it.." Edd suddenly hugged him. He staggered back a bit. He hasn't done this in a while.. Matt slowly put his arms around him. "Hehe. That would've been my fault for you spilling it in the first place, I was messing with you when you were pouring it into your cereal." "O-Oh. I guess you're right. Your welcome then." Edd still didn't let go, and it was making him a bit nervous. He didn't mind it though, his hoodie was really soft.."H-Hey Matt...."

Sunshine { Tomtord Eddsworld au }Where stories live. Discover now