Adventures again

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Tom breathed in, slowly waking from his long sleep. Something light rested on his knees, and he felt his bed frame against his back. Another thing, that felt softer and more comforting than the others was the warmness against the entire right side of his body. He moved his head against it, 2 soft tufts immediately brushing his cheek. "Hmmn.." Wait-Tom slowly opened his eyes, his heart pounding at the sudden realization of what the warmness he felt was. Tord was passed out against him, his right arm draped over his chest and his head laid on his right shoulder. Tom had apparently unconsciously put one of his arms over him. His face reddened at the proximity and he looked over at the shut laptop still on his knees. We both must of passed out after the movie.. He looked back at the peacefully sleeping norwegian. Tom wanted to wake him up and yell at him for sleeping in his room, but then again, he felt nothing but soft and warm against his chest. He hadn't let him this close since forever.. "hmmm...." Tord nudged a little closer and his two tufts of hair brushed against Tom's neck. His entire face flushed at the sensation he felt from it. "T-That's it-" He pulled his hair and the norwegian immediately pulled back. "A-Ah! Hey!!" His eyelids flung open. "You fell asleep on me Idiot." Tord's face immediately turned pink. "O-Oh! Wait-huh? How long have I been in here?" "All night." Tord looked up at him. "Ha, why didn't you wake me up sooner? You did want to cuddle me again didn't you?" He smirked. Tom narrowed his eyes. "It's not like that. We both fell asleep after the movie I guess." "Oh yea, probably because you cried so much!" Tom's cheeks reddened. "Shut up commie- it was depressing. You did too." Tord stretched out his arms, yawning. "Huh? What time is it?" "5 AM." He jolted up. "THAT EARLY? Hey why don't we cuddle again? We still have time~" Tom stretched out his arms and mentally punched himself for actually considering it. "If you want to cuddle someone so bad go ask Matt." Tord walked over to the door. "Ok fine, if he's even awake yet! Don't get jealous~" He turned the knob, and it didn't budge. "Huh? Tom how do I unlock your door?" What? I didn't even lock it... He pushed off his bed and walked over to it. He reached his hand over to the knob, and of course, it didn't move. "Shit. It's stuck." "W-Wait really?" He tried turning it different ways, but nothing happened. "The hell? It was fine before we watched the movie. I don't know what could've done that-I might have to run into it with susan again." He stared at him nervously. "This has happened before?" He nodded. "Hold on-" Tord put his hand over his. "H-Hey wait, It might work if we both do it." Tom doubted it but he gave in, partially to do with the fact that his soft fingers were over his. Something clicked, and they tried opening it all the way. It didn't work. "Ugh.." Tom went over to his dresser to get his beat up guitar. "Sorry Susan.." he whispered before yelling at Tord to move and running towards the door. The door suddenly pushed open and he nearly fell over, but atleast his guitar didn't hit the person behind it.

Edd glared at Tom but his expression quickly changed when he saw Tord standing next to him, in his room. The norwegian burst out laughing, putting his hand on Tom's shoulder. "Ha. That was close.." Edd stared at him. "Tom...why is Tord in your room....?" The norwegian quickly shut up and anxiously looked at him and back to Tom. "We were watching a movie and fell asleep. The reason I was running at the door was because it got stuck-but you somehow..." Edd narrowed his eyes at him, and Tom's cheeks reddened a little. "Hmm. Glad you guys are getting along then. I've already gotten some bacon and pancakes downstairs if your hungry." He turned around and walked to the stairs. Tom let out a relieved sigh. "I'm a bit surprised he let me in his room too.." Tord whispered, catching up to him. "H-Hey! What are you saying sunshine lollipops?" Tom said, running next to them. "Nothing about you jehovah." Ah back to normal with the name calling...."Oh-wow! Your awake too?" Matt looked at the three of them, looking like he was thinking about something. "Do you guys want to go see a movie? I got a few extra bucks and we haven't done anything together in a while so-" "YES!!!" Tord exclaimed. Tom shot him some weird look but he ignored it. Edd ran up to Matt and hugged him. "Yea Matt! I-we'd love to go see a movie! But are you sure you want to pay for it? We all have money.." He blushed. "N-No it's fine. It's my idea and I want to pay for you guys to go. Just like you said, we haven't gone anywhere together in a while." Dammit why is he so sweet.... "Can we go after breakfast?" "Sure Edd." 

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