Chapter 1: Bumblebee

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Note: Hi! I already have over 30 chapters of this posted under my account, but I thought I should put it here too. If my update pace here is too slow for you, I will probably keep up better on Bon appetit!

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"Megatron! Megatron! Megatron!"

The cheer reverberated in his audio receptors long after the match was over. Today had been his hardest match yet, but he still came out victorious and without a scratch. Megatron was currently making his way towards the pit master's office because of another phrase he couldn't get out of his helm.

"My office. Soon as Hook clears you."

Megatron hoped that the boss just wanted to tell him to have a day off. After all, he had a perfect record going all the way back to his first match. He thought he deserved some down time to relax, if only for an orn or two.

When he reached his boss's door, he didn't bother to knock before coming in. The pit master didn't bother to reprimand him as the gladiator made himself comfortable leaning against the closed door.

"Ah, Megatron. So good to see you in good shape, especially after last match," the pit master greeted him.

Megatron, who was not in the mood for such pleasantries, said, "What did you want me for, Pitbull."

"Of course, I'll just cut right to the chase." Pitbull leaned back in his chair and reached under his desk for something. "If you had a sparkling that could do anything you wanted, what would you want it to do?"

"What kind of question is that?" Megatron asked.

"One that decides whether or not you're the right mech for the job," he replied calmly.

"Leave me the frag alone, that's what I'd want it to do."

"Good. Everyone else either wants it as a slave or an experiment, and Soundwave has enough cassettes as it is. Hold out your arms, it's yours."

The pit master unceremoniously dumped a tiny newspark into Megatron's outstretched arms. He started at it in mild shock before turning his optics to the mech in front of him.

"What do you expect me to do with this thing?"

"Raise it to be a gladiator like you," Pitbull said as if it was obvious.

"You want me to take care of this scraplet?!"

"Frag no. I want you to mentor him. Turn him into a ruthless killing machine by the time he's 50 vorns old. That's when his first match is."

Pitbull dropped a rusted pet carrier on top of his desk and gave him the key to the lock.

"Use this to keep it out of the way when you're not training it. And make sure you beat it up for the smallest things. Don't want it to get soft-sparked." He motioned for Megatron to leave. The large mech just stared at the newspark, then the crate, then the pit master, then back at the sparkling. "Well, go to your room and break it in."

The still-confused mech stuffed the bitlet into the pet carrier and walked back to his room. Surprisingly, he met no one else on the way there. Once back in the safety of his quarters, he took the creature out and placed it on his lap.

Megatron noted that 'it' was a 'he.' The newspark was primarily yellow with black accents. Most of the paint was faded, though, and his frame was littered with dents, cuts, and patches of rust. The comically large doorwings protruding from his back were laid back and quivering with fright. His oddly shaped cerulean optics were leaking with coolant as he looked at the stranger in fear. The poor thing couldn't have been more than a vorn old.

The large mech gathered the little one close to his spark and let it reach out for him on its own. Soon enough, he stopped trembling and looked at Megatron in confusion.

"Hello, little one. My name is Megatron. Can you tell me your name?" The bitlet chirped and warbled in reply. "Hmm. I guess I'll have to name you myself. Something fierce and memorable."

He looked at his color scheme and thought how much fiercer it would looked reversed. Right now, it reminded him of the tiny cyberbees of the Crystal Gardens. Little, bumbling insects that flew around and pollinated the metallic flora even though it was scientifically impossible for them to even take off. Even had a nasty sting.


Impossible, bumbling little bees.


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Note: Well, there's 1 on Wattpad! I'll put up 2 when I get 34 posted on Yeah, I'm already at 34 on the other site. When I finish on, I'll move everything here at once. Until that happens, just leave a review and I'll get back to you. 'Till next time!

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