Chapter 26: Peace

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::Hook, we've got a casualty!:: Megatron said as he carried Scythe's pale form back to Kaon, trying to stem the energon flow from her chassis with one servo.

::I've got too many! I'm gonna need someone to-::

::Hook, we've got a casualty!:: they heard Sunstreaker yell into the comms.

::I've been hearing that all orn! I'm gonna need someone to help me fix everyone if this keeps up!::

::The fight's over, we won.:: Megatron said

::We won? Good! Now get over here so you can help me fix these idiots up!::

::Well, we've got one more for you.:: Dagger said as they burst through the doors to the arena complex.

::Make that two.:: Megatron said as he pushed his way through a different entrance.

::Tell me who you're bringing to me already!:: Hook said, waving for the next mech to come in.

::No need. We're coming in right now.::

::I don't have enough room for you all! I've got a line with over 50 idiots in it. Join them!::

"Those idiots are conscious. Bee's unconscious," Dagger said as he and the others burst into the room.

Megatron flew in from behind them. "So is Scythe."

The silence spoke louder than words.


x x x x x

Nine joors later found Megatron, Dagger, Shockwave, and the twins deep in recharge, sprawled across any flat surface. A chair, a spare berth, a table, and the floor were all suitable for their sleepy purposes.

Hook was ambling across the medbay to check on the last two patients inside. Scythe, despite the energon pouring out of her like a fountain, was easy to patch up. Cut off the energon flow, clean the area, weld it closed, wrap it in gauze and tape, and unclamp the lines to let the energon flow again. It was slightly dangerous if he took to long, but he was an expert in this process. It took a little longer because of the amount of damage, but he had the femme stabilized in about a joor and she was now recharging on a medberth.

Bee, on the other servo, was harder to treat. No broken struts, no internal injuries, no external wounds, nothing that he could truly fix. The sparkling had a weak, overtaxed spark and had nearly dried out his energon reserves, but he could do nothing but hook him up to an energon line and hope for the best. Even now his sparkbeat was faint, his colors pale, struggling to find the power to even breathe.

Hook stroked the small helm absentmindedly. Whatever the story was behind this, he would get it next orn. For now, a well deserved recharge was in order.

x x x x x


The sound of Bumblebee's voice snapped Megatron out of recharge. The gladiator rolled over in surprise to find that he was on the floor. He jumped up and rushed over to Bee's berthside.

"Bumblebee? Are you okay? How are you feeling? Do you need anything?"

" 'M 'kay, Meggy. 'M cold," Bumblebee mumbled between miniscule shivers.

Megatron frantically turned around in circles looking for a thermal blanket, any sort of blanket, but saw none. Going for plan B -- Megatron's personal favorite -- he curled up next to the sparkling, careful not to jostle him or disconnect any monitors. Bee snuggled into his caretaker's chassis to soak in that wonderful warmth and listen to the steady rhythm of his spark.

Soon enough, he had fallen into recharge, Megatron joining him in blissful peace moments later.

x x x x x

Note: That's the last chappie for this round of uploads. Maybe a other comment or so will motivate me to upload another chunk? Here's to hoping, am I right? Next chunk will have dating, trauma, and aftermath.

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