Chapter 37: Sire and Son

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Previously on Little Gladiator:


Megatron could hear the sound of Bumblebee's voice already.

He aimed.


Wait, it sounded real.

He fired.

x x x x x

The moment Sentinel's blaster went off, a powerful aura swept through the chamber. Starting from the core, it swept Sentinel off his pedes and left him unconscious on the floor.

Megatron could care less.

The gladiator had only felt a thump on his back when Sentinel shot him. It didn't feel like he was being eaten by rust or acid, and he certainly didn't feel dead.

He felt energon touch his pedes. It wasn't his own.

When Megatron turned around, his spark nearly stopped. Bumblebee was lying spread-eagle on the ground, acid slowly eating away at his chest. His spark convulsed wildly as stray drops of acid dripped onto it. Cerulean optics closed, his vents came in ragged as his digits twitched every now and then.

"No. No, no, no, no, no, NO! Bumblebee!" Megatron cried. His servos hovered over his sparkling, but he didn't know what to do. Meanwhile, Bee's spark was growing smaller and smaller...

Do you love him? a deep voice asked.

Too hurt to care who was talking to him, Megatron replied, "More than anything!"

Would you give him the energon from your frame?


Would you sacrifice your life for him?


Will you, then, open your spark to him?

"Yes!" Megatron's chest plates parted by themselves these words.

Then what are you waiting for? By the power invested in me as Primus himself, I now pronounce you sire and son. Bla bla bla, merge with him already!

Megatron didn't need any more encouragement before dipping his spark down to meet Bee's. His hissed from coming into contact with the acid, but the feeling of Bee's spark next to his was worth that and more. It wasn't a deep spark merge, but he still felt Bee's emotions.

Love. Love for Primus and Scythe and everyone else back home in Kaon. Love for Orion and Jazz and the other allies they met in Iacon. Love for his deceased carrier. Love for Megatron.

Joy. Joy for getting a new caretaker all those vorns ago. Joy for meeting those new friends. Joy at meeting his biological sire. Joy at receiving gifts from the Primes, even if he wouldn't be able to access most of them for decavorns. Joy at seeing his Meggy alive.

Worry. Worry for his Meggy and Scythe back in the chamber. Worry at seeing his Meggy at gunpoint.

Pain. Pain at the death of his carrier. Pain at seeing Scythe, cold and lifeless in the chamber when he emerged from the core. Pain from taking the shot for his Meggy.

But he would do all again for Meggy, his sire.

Inundated with these emotions, Megatron's love for Bumblebee grew exponentially. The feeling rushed into Bee's spark as well, causing their love for one another to build until they were one.

Sire and son.

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