Chapter 36: He Fired

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Previously on Little Gladiator:

Finally defeated, Bee hung his helm and nodded. Deaf to the desperate pleas of the bots behind him, Sentinel tossed the sparkling into the core, the light swallowing up the small form.


x x x x x

The light was all around him. It covered him like a blanket from helm to pede without suffocating him and warmed him from the inside out and back again. He floated through the bright expanse, perfectly content, and...

He felt something solid. It brushed his pedes and made him giggle a little. The touch returned and dragged him in to tickle his soft abdomen. He couldn't stop laughing against the warm figure, whoever she was.

She. She was a femme, a familiar one, and when he could finally manage to open his optics, her face was familiar too. She was black and yellow with long, wavy filaments sprouting from her helm like organic hair, almost like Alpha Trion's beard, just not old and not on her face.

"Carrier?" he asked

"Yes, sweetspark?" she replied.

"Carrier!" He jumped up and buried his face in her neck, purring contentedly. The Praxian femme laughed melodically and held him tight to her.

"Oh, Bumblebee. How I wished I could've been there for you. But I couldn't ask for better guardians than the ones you have now."

Bee looked into her sky blue optics and smiled so brightly, it made the light around them look pitch black. "I missed you, carrier."

"I missed you too, sweetie. But I've always watched over you, and will always keep watching you," she said.

"Will?" Bee asked. "Aren't we in the AllSpark? Aren't we-?"

"Dead?" A deep, familiar voice came from behind them. "I come here every orn to check on my children. That doesn't mean I die every orn."

"Sire?" Bee carefully slid from his carrier's grasp to greet the regal white, gold, and blue mech with large, angelic wings protruding from his back. The mech chuckled and held Bee close to his spark. The sound of the beating orb brought more memories to the surface of Bee's mind.

He was part of someone's spark then. He didn't know whose, but he could sort of make out the conversation it was having.

"Are you sure, Primus? The Covenant says he's to be a tyrannical warmonger! He'd abuse the poor thing!" someone outside the spark said.

Primus, that was the spark he was in, replied, "Love has strange ways, Prima. It can even melt the coldest sparks."

"We should've done this to Unicron then! See if the Chaosbringer himself would fall to love!" Prima exclaimed sarcastically.

"He's ready!" A feminine voice called from a short distance away. She came closer. "I don't know why you wanted a sparkling, though. And what about a spark? Kinda defeats the purpose of new life."

"Haven't you heard, Lussie? Primus has a plan. And when Primus has a plan, Cybertron is going to be thrown for a loop," Prima told her.

"I bet it's a war, Prima. Why else?" 'Lussie' said.

Soon the piece of the spark that was Bee's broke off and took hold in a newspark's frame that felt like his own. Held by gentle servos, he was carried to a small pod and placed in its comfortable interior. The moment the pod closed, his spark left and he heard the spark of his carrier beating right next to his, nourishing him, loving him.

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