Chapter 20: Crystal Clear

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Note: Imma say I OWN NOTHING one last time so I can just mass post these chapters.

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"Are we there yet?"

"Not yet, Sweet Bee," Scythe said.

One breem passed.

"How about now?"

"Still no, squirt," Sideswipe said.

Two breems passed.

"Are we-"

"You've been asking us that for the last thirty breems, Bee! We aren't there yet! Just a few more joors. Then we'll be there." Sunstreaker sighed, exasperated, and returned to staring out the window.

"But I'm bored!" he whined, his doorwings fluttering for emphasis. "My helm hurts from reading the first three chapters of 'The Intergalactic Species Compendimus-"

"Compendium, bitlet," Ravage corrected him from his spot on the floor.

"Yeah, compendismu." Sideswipe snickered at Bee's pronunciation of the word. "I also solved the cube-of-cubes three times, and I drew a picture of everything I could think of with the art pad and the charcoal pens Sunny and Sides gave me." The yellow twin grunted at the nickname. "I'm out of things to do."

"What about recharge?" Ravage asked. "You did have to wake up during fourth night shift."

"I'm not tired!" Bee said through a yawn. Scythe just smiled and pulled the rapidly tiring sparkling into her lap. Once the beat of her spark filled his audials, he was out like a light.

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Five joors later, they arrived at Transit's Depot. It was a small, dilapidated station, much like the shuttle itself, but it was small and would hopefully avoid detection. It was also cheaper.

The group moved towards the designated transformation area and changed into their alts. Scythe's motorcycle form was too small to hold the recharging sparkling, so Sideswipe offered to carry him in his sports car alt. Sunstreaker had a yellow version of the same alt, but he was a little pickier about his finish. However, he did allow Ravage in his cab with the agreement that any scratches would be reimbursed.

From the obscure station, the drive to the Crystal Gardens took a few more breems. Luckily, Bee was in recharge. Though he would've loved to see the tall, spiraling buildings, built to let the wind curve around them. This let the wind hit the wind chimes hanging within the curves, their gentle tinkling filling pockets of silence with music.

They rounded the corner of Main and Prime and saw Orion and Jazz waiting in the alt lot. The group parked in a few spots and transformed. Scythe carefully extracted Bee from Sideswipe's alt while Ravage jumped out of Sunstreaker's.

"So, yer da group Megatron said was comin'," the Polyhexian said. "Name's Jazz. Pleased ta meet ya." He held out his servo for them to shake.

Scythe took it first. "My name is Scythe. The twins are Sideswipe and Sunstreaker, red and yellow respectively. The cat is Ravage. And you already know Bumblebee."

"Indeed we do. My name is Orion," said the red and blue mech standing next to Jazz. He also held out his servo for them to shake.

Scythe rubbed Bumblebee's cheek with her thumb and whispered, " Sweetspark, we're here."

Bee groggily yawned and blinked owlishly. He slowly turned and saw Orion standing there with Jazz. "Oreo! Jazzy!"

They both chuckled. "How's mah li'l mechlin' doin'?" Jazz asked while obliging to Bee's fist bump.

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