Chapter 24: The Plan

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The two opposing groups ran at each other and began to fire. However, Megatron, Dagger, and Scythe were in for a surprise. Bright blue paint jettisoned is from their blasters, covering their targets in it.

::BUMBLEBEE!:: Megatron yelled through his comm.

::Um. Yes, Meggy?:: his little voice asked nervously.

::Why did you have to replace our plasma with PAINT?!::

::Uh. But look! They think they're dying.::

It was true. All the mechs Dagger, Scythe, and Megatron covered in blue paint thought they were covered in their own energon. They were screaming and panicking like there was no tomorrow, which for them, was true. Especially after the trio extinguished their sparks.

::While that's very amusing dear:: Scythe said. ::Paint won't kill them.::

::But it is confusing them and blinding them. What if we did it to them all?:: Bee asked.

::You mean incapacitate them all so we can kill them like agneaus to the slaughter?:: The comms fell silent at what-no-how Dagger said that. He rolled his optics and said ::What? can't I be smart for once?::

::Sure, it's just really weird, Dags.:: Scythe replied.

::But Bee has a point, right?:: he asked.

::Well, yeah, but how would we get them all?:: she asked back.

::If we had a large gun...:: Megatron pondered.

::Don't you already have one?:: Scythe purred.

::Sparkling listening in!:: Soundwave reminded them.

::But Meggy does have a big gun. It's on his arm.::

::Um. Yeah. Yeah, let's go with that one, sweetie.:: she said, grateful for the excuse.

::Does he have another one?::

::No!:: the others yelled

::Yes!:: Silence followed Scythe's response. If they hadn't been tearing through the chassis of Sentinel's warriors, they'd be staring at her coldly. ::Uh, I mean no! No! No. Only one gun. The most important one. It shall protect us.::

::I know. But Shockwave says Kaon still has a big gun to protect the city. If we could get it up and running.::

::Correct.:: Shockwave said. ::There is a model XTR4 gun hidden under the city. It has been inactive since the Quintesson occupation. All that it needs to function is energon.::

::I don't think we have enough.:: Soundwave said. ::We only get 7% of the energon we mine as it is.::

::So no plasma or energon blasts. No biggie. We're using paint right?:: Dagger asked.

::Where would we get that much paint though?:: Megatron asked as he crushed a helm with his bare servos. The answer came to him and everyone else as soon as he said it.

x x x x x

Sideswipe answered his comm. ::Terror Twins at your service. How may we help you?::

::Knock it off, Sideswipe.:: his twin said.

::Okay.:: The red mech decapitated the mech in front of him and kicked his helm, knocking down a second mech. ::Happy?::

::Oh brother.::

::Yes, dear twin o' mine?::

::If you two are done bickering, we need a favor.:: Scythe told them.

::Only if it cancels out our earlier favor.:: Sideswipe said.

::You only need to clean the training room.::


::Three quarters.::

::Five eighths.::

::You really want to make a sparkling clean up a whole room and the hallways? Three quarters or no deal.::


::Good. How much paint do you have?::

::What do you want paint for?::

:: We're gonna load the XTR4 gun Kaon has with it. We're gonna stun the soldiers with their own "energon".:: Dagger laughed.

Sideswipe barked a laugh as well. ::Serves these undertrained idiots right.:: He impaled another mech on his blade.

::Tell us where the paint is, already!:: Megatron growled.

::Custodial closet 5.:: Sunstreaker answered.

::Get the paint to the gun with your twin.:: Megatron ordered.

::One order of blue paint coming up.:: Sideswipe said as he and his twin flattened the soldiers, driving over them in their alts as they raced back.

::Dagger, accompany Shockwave to wherever the gun is.:

::Aye aye, boss.:: Dagger said as he sliced a mech lengthwise before falling back to the arena complex.

::Soundwave, reroute as much energon as we can afford if we cut everyone's rations by 30%. Wait for Shockwave to give you the green light:: Megatron ordered.

::That's 11% of our energon to the gun. Estimated completion in 21 breems.:: the faceless mech said.

::Added to the time it takes Shockwave to fix the piece of scrap- OW! WHOSE SIDE ARE YOU ON, FEMME!?:: The black mech had cursed as he passed Scythe on his way back. She had spared his ball bearings, but still gave him a sharp whack over his helm. One of the soldiers snickered before being brutally crushed by Dagger's snake alt-mode. His frame sparked in at least forty places as his frame crashed to the ground.

"Sparkling on the line! No swearing!" Scythe yelled at him as he passed her.

::We have a plan. Now let's put it in motion.:: Megatron said.

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