Chapter 33: Arrested

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Previously on Little Gladiator:

"Megatron of Kaon, by my authority as Prime and leader of Cybertron, you are hereby under arrest!" the 'hologram' said.

"That's no hologram," Sola said worryingly as almost the whole Elite Guard followed their Prime on stage.

x x x x x

Shocked into silence, everyone watched as Sentinel stormed on stage with the Elite Guard just a few steps behind him. The regal, red Prime stopped just a few meters away from them as they stood to meet him.

"On what grounds?" Megatron asked, moving to stand in front of the others.

"It is clear that you are the mastermind behind the synchronized terrorist attacks on Six Lasers Over Cybertron, Uraya, Polyhex, Stanix, Blaster City, and multiple sites in the Sonic Canyons, resulting in numerous casualties. You were the aggressor in the Battle of Kaon. You have kidnapped this sparkling and didn't even provide an adequate home for it. A better caretaker would've kept him safe from all these attacks."

"LIAR!" Bumblebee yelled, his hands shaking from the stress. "Those attacks were co-wor-donation by someone else. The Cybertronian army charged first and I wasn't kidnapped! Meggy gives me the best life I could eva dweam of given the cir-coom-stan-des. YOU hurt me. YOU hurt my family! YOU- MMPH!" Sentinel shut him up by plucking him from the sofa by his wings and slapping a servo to his mouth.

"You will only speak when spoken to, bitlet. I am your elder. Your Prime!" he yelled into his face. Bee struggled not to cry in fear from the proximity of the red demon.

"Leave my sparkling alone!" His optics flickering to red, Megatron charged his cannon and pointed it at the Prime. The Elite Guard members responded by shooting him with their tasers, all at once. In an impressive show of strength and will, it took the combined effort of the whole Elite Guard to bring him to his knees before a final shock to his chest knocked him unconscious, twitching from the current that was still flowing into his frame.

"NO!" Scythe screamed, diving for her love. She was given the same treatment he got, but she went down faster.

Bee kicked and squirmed in his captor's grasp. "Lemme go! I want my Meggy! I want Scythe!"

In mock comfort, Sentinel cradled him to his chassis and cooed, "Don't worry young one. Your true sire is here."

Stunned at the audacity of the statement, Bee paused his struggling. "LIAR! LIAR, LIAR, LIAR, LI- OW!" He squirmed in pain from his doorwings being pinched.

"Now now, child. Don't make your sire angry," Sentinel said as he oversaw the cuffing and transportation of the revolutionaries. "After all," he spoke louder, emphasizing it for the crowd to hear, "we do share a spark bond. It's just so faint because you have been stolen away from me for so long. Can't you feel it?"

"LI- ahh!" Bee was cut off again by the sudden burst of emotion in his spark. It was so cold and twisted he wanted to curl up into a ball and cry. What everyone else saw was a sparkling crying from happiness and curling up into his sire. What they registered as a warm smile was Sentinels smirk of satisfaction at his plan coming to fruition.

However, Sola and Luna, standing right in front of them, saw their actions for what they truly were. "Um, Sentinel Prime, sir?" Luna asked timidly.

"Find something else to finish the episode with," the Prime said, barely acknowledging her.

Sola, true to her somewhat fiery name - she certainly liked to think of it that way - stood up on her chair to be closer to his helm - though she fell piteously short - and commandingly said, "My Prime, alongside our studio audience we have heard the stories of these Cybertronians, and we cannot deny the truth of their words. According to them, you are the villain of their lives. If-"

"If you want to keep your show, twinette," he growled close to her audials, "you'll watch your glossa." Sola paled at the threat and grabbed her sister's servo for comfort. Luna, too, was ashen-faced.

"Take these two to the palace prison to await their trial. Don't let it be said that I am without mercy," he commanded. Luna, Sola, and Bumblebee knew better, though. Sentinel gave the crowd a picture-perfect smile and said, "I apologize for disrupting your viewing experience. However, justice waits for no one and these criminals have gone far too long without it. As for this little one, he will be under my care as I am his spark sire. Isn't that right, child?" Bee just whined in his hold. The Prime's smile became somewhat strained. "Hopefully, we will be able to cure him of any trauma he has experienced under Megatron's demonic influence." Such irony. "Have a good orn."

With that, Sentinel left the room with a shell-shocked in his arms, the Elite Guard carting the unconscious forms of Megatron and Scythe behind him, and a studio full of scared and confused Cybertronians left in his wake.

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