Chapter 12: Oreo

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Klik: 2 seconds: 10 nanokliks

Breem: 8 minutes: 240 kliks

Joor: 6 hours: 45 breems

Orn: 13 days: 52 joors

Cycle: 22 weeks: 11 orns

Megacycle: 30 months: 5 cycles

Vorn: 80 years: 32 megacycles

It's Cybertronian term, Earth time/what it means, and how many Cyber terms fit into each one. Ex. One cycle equals 22 weeks. Each cycle has 11 orns in it. I did the math for this. I always wondered how the time fit together.


Newspark: 0 - 3: (0 - 1)

Sparkling: 3 - 50: (1 - 5)

Youngling: 50 - 200: (5 - 13)

Mechling: 200 - 1,000: (13 - 21)

Adult: 1,000: (21)

It's Cybertronian term, vorns, human equivalent.


x x x x x

The others, surprisingly, took very well to the news of Megatron's spontaneous trip to Iacon. Even Shockwave agreed on the terms that Bumblebee should "describe at least three landmarks and their history, if possible." Bee was too excited to care that Shockwave wanted him to write about going places. He was going places!

The ride to Iacon on the public transit shuttle was uneventful. As Bumblebee had predicted, anyone and everyone who saw Megaton's "mean face" made sure to steer clear of the large gladiator and the little yellow sparkling on his shoulder.

The shuttle dropped them off at Iacon Grand. Central, just a few blocks away from Maccadam's. Megatron made sure to remind Bumblebee of Shockwave's assignment when they passed the Energon Fountains, Lake Oleum, and, to Megaton's displeasure, the Prime's Palace. He saw Sentinel Prick waving lazily at his subjects from a balcony as thousands of mechs and femmes cheered his name. He only let Bumblebee take a few pictures of the Palace before ushering him towards Maccadam's.

In doing so, they both missed Sentinel's look of shock and contempt at the sight of them.

The famous tavern didn't look like much from the outside, but it was filled with all kinds of mechs, femmes, and beastly Cybertronians rich and poor alike. Holoscreens filled one wall, each displaying a different program and the code to hear the audio. Booths lined the wall, tables and chairs surrounded a glowing dance floor, and high chairs stood in vigilant rows in front of the bar. A friendly orange and gray mech with lenses attached to his optics was absentmindedly cleaning a glass when he noticed the pair walk in.

"Ah! The famous gladiator finally graces my humble bar! Maccadam at your service, but you can call me Mac for short" the mech behind the counter said. His voice was slightly gruff, but he sounded jovial and kind-sparked.

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