Chapter 11: Because I Will

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Note: You get it by now.

x x x x x

Later that orn, back in the safety of their quarters, Megatron was tucking Bumblebee into his berth for the night.

"Meggy?" Bumblebee asked.

"Yes, little Bee?" Megatron only allowed the nickname because Bee was special. As for Scythe, she was just stubborn.

"Why do I need to learn how to fight if you can protect me?"

"Well, there will come a time when I will not be there for you in your time of need. Also, there are still mechs and femmes who oppose my leadership here. If they target you to get to me, you need to know how to defend yourself."

Bee looked deep in thought. Megatron did just use a lot of big words. "That makes sense. Okay. Goodnight, Meggy." The sparkling closed his optics as he drifted off into recharge

"Goodnight, Bumblebee. Don't let the scraplets bite," Megatron whispered as he sneaked a kiss to his helm.

The gray mech had just laid down on his berth to settle in for the night when he got another ping. This one was just a text message, but at least the sender had a name: Orion Pax.

::What you say is interesting, but more people are hearing than you think. Let's speak.::

'Really?' Megatron thought to himself. 'Well, I suppose he must have heard my words on the radio or something.' He sent a response back before settling in for the night.

::You are more right than you know. I am also more right than you know. Meet me at Maccadam's at mid orn tomorrow.::

x x x x x

The next morning, he woke up bright and early for a reason that every caretaker is semi-happy to wake up to.


"Meggy! Meggy! It's time to get up!" Bumblebee yelled as he bounced upon his mentor's chest.

"And why must you sit on me?" Megatron groaned.

"Because this orn is Fin and we always do one-on-one fights on Fin!" Bee cheered.

Megatron let his helm fall back as he peeked a look at the excited sparkling. "Fine. But I actually have something else planned for today. Unfortunately, I don't think you'll be able to go."

And just like that, Bumblebee's smile turned upside down and his doorwings drooped against his back. "Why not?"

'Because your mystery sire wants to kill you. Because I don't want you dead. Because I worry for you. Because I...'

"Because it might be dangerous for you."

"But you would be with me."

"No buts."

"What if Ravage came and protected me too?"

"What if scenarios are too diverse."

"I can use the stealth skills Soundwave has been teaching me."

"Are you a master of stealth?"

"Ravage is."

"Are a you a master of fighting?"

"You are."

"It's still not safe."

"I hacked into your signal from last night," Bumblebee said, laying out his most powerful card. He saw the larger mech's look of surprise. "I know you're meeting with someone at Maccadam's. Shockwave told me Mac doesn't allow fighting."

"What about the trip there?" Megatron came up with another excuse. To be honest, he really did want to take Bumblebee with him. He felt better when he knew the sparkling was safe nearby. "Someone could harm you on the public transit."

"Then give 'em your mean face and they'll walk the other way. That always works." Bee's wings flicked twice for emphasis.

Finally, he caved. "So be it. But if you get caught-"

"I know. It'll be on me."

Megatron sat up and hugged Bumblebee close to his spark, something he rarely did. Bee snuggled into his embrace and purred contentedly into his neck.

"If you get caught, I will tear this planet apart to search for you. I will scour the heavens for you. I will eviscerate the bot who thought they could take you away from me."

Bee smiled softly and whispered, "I know, Meggy." Then he raised his voice and said, "So let's get going already! We gotta get our morning ration first."

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