Chapter 15: Creators

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Note: You get it by now.

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"What do you mean Sentinel Prick is Bee's sire?!" Megatron roared.

Jazz held up his servos. "Calm down, Megs. Da 'pad had dat recording of yer talk with da Prime. It's his voice signature. Cross-referenced and everythin'."

The gladiator closed his optics and counted to ten before continuing. After all, it wouldn't be very beneficial if he killed him. "If Sentinel is willing to kill a newspark just because it was related to him and a lower caste citizen, then the caste system really needs to go."

"Same thoughts here. So, here's what I figure: Sentinel decides he wants ta have a one night stand wit' some low caste femme. He ends up gettin' her sparked without knowin'. As da sire, he feels da sparkling reach out for him once it emerges. He goes ta kill both of dem because their existence, especially Bee's, is a scandal. Da pit master comes along and wants da newspark ta train. Sentinel agrees since he knows a newspark would never survive in da pits. Problem is solved until you come inta da picture."

"But why would Sentinel say that Bumblebee would be a potentially better heir?" Megatron asked.

"Well, Sentinel's not exactly doin' much for Cybertron right now."

"You can say that again," Megatron mumbled.

"So Cybertron might jump at da chance ta have a new leader. Especially da Council because dey can mold Bee since he's so young."

Megatron muttered, "Even more corruption."

"Yeh're really inta liberatin' Cybertron, aren't ya?"


"Nevermind. Anyway, now we just need ta find out who his carrier is. I asked Orion ta run through da stats of pure-blooded femmes dat died in da last 32 vorns and we got a few hits." Jazz handed him a datapad with the bios of three femmes on them.

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Name: Auruma

Age: 3,817 Vorns

Type: Femme Motorcycle

Caste: Jeweler

Colors: Gold and Topaz

Optics: Orange

Creators: AllSpark

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Name: Solstice

Age: 1,211 Vorns

Type: Femme 4-Wheeler

Caste: Courier

Colors: Yellow and Black

Optics: Blue

Creators: Starshot (sire) and Galaxy (carrier)

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Name: Aila

Age: 2,392 Vorns

Type: Femme Ambulance

Caste: Paramedic

Colors: Red and Pale Blue

Optics: Indigo

Creators: Aquarius (sire) and Aquilla (carrier)

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"I think Solstice might be his carrier. She looks like a femme version of Bumblebee," Megatron said, handing the datapad back to Jazz.

The Polyhexian pushed the datapad back. "After seein' Bee, I thought da same thing. Dere's only one hitch ta it though."

"And what would that hitch be?"

"She's infertile. Gestation chamber got punctured at a young age and dey never could afford ta have it replaced."

Megatron read the bios again. "But it says that Auruma worked as a jeweler for higher castes and nobles. And medics are also high up. Couriers send messages by servo and they are low caste."

"Same idea here," Jazz said. "But ya wouldn't believe what happened da cycle before she ended up wit' Sentinel.

"What happened?"

"Witnesses saw her at the Well of AllSparks. She nearly jumped in when a beam of light shot inta her chest. A megacycle after Sentinel, she finds out she's sparked. A miracle!"

"So Primus wanted Bumblebee to be born?" Megatron asked.

"I guess so," Jazz said.

They looked at Bumblebee as he recharged. The sparkling turned over as a digit found its way into his mouth. He absentmindedly chewed on it as he purred in his sleep.

"You're one lucky mech ta have a sparklin' like that," Jazz told him.

"He's a special little scraplet," Megatron agreed.

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