Chapter 7: The Second Option

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Megatron's instincts had been correct. The moment they all stepped into Pitbull's office, sturdy guards with jet black plating blocked the door and flanked them.

"I'm so glad you could make it here," Pitbull said with false cheer as he yanked the pet carrier out of Megatron's servo. He shook it roughly when Bumblebee yelped from the sudden motion.

"Make it quick, Pitbull. We've got places to be," Megatron said, skipping the pleasantries for the second time in two orns.

"Do you now? Does it have anything to do with going on a date with a certain femme?" Scythe and Megatron both managed to control their blushes, but they did shift their weight from pede to pede where they stood.

"Did you really think you could start a relationship without me noticing? What were you going to do? Become the bitlet's creators?" They shifted again, this time oblivious to the other's similar movements.

"That... thing cost me over 3,000 credits! Now I see that I wasted money on a weakling and time on my champion gladiator!"

"Your champion gladiator?" Megatron scoffed. "I belong to no one!"

"You belong to me!" Pitbull yelled. "I was lax with you before. After all, you were undefeated. I didn't think anyone could bring you down. But the stands aren't as full anymore because they already know you're going to win. I'd say it's time I cut my losses."

"Was undefeated? Cut your losses? What are you rambling about?" Megatron demanded.

"You have one option and one alone if you want to stay alive."

"Say whatever you want, Bull! We won't do it!" Scythe yelled.

"Stay out of this, femme!"

Megatron stared long and hard at the pit master before saying, "Name your option."

"Lose a few matches. Just one or two. Then I'll let you keep your friends."

"What?! The audience will lose faith in me!" Megatron protested.

"And you will lose your training partners if you don't agree," said Pitbull, his optics blazing like fire, yet bearing into him coldly.

"Where does Bumblebee stand in this agreement?" Soundwave asked.

"Nowhere," he replied like it was nothing of importance, which, to him, it wasn't. "I'll see if I can get a refund. If not, I'll just sell him to some night club."

"You can't do that!" Scythe gasped. "He's only a little more than a vorn old!"

"I'll do what I like!" Pitbull roared. Then he rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "I suppose I can make a second option. You'll all have an opportunity to save each other's lives with this one. Even the bitlet."

"Yes," they said simultaneously.

A wicked smile twisted his face. "Good." He pressed a button on the side of his desk and even more guards entered the room. They immediately seized the four comrades, Megatron requiring twice as many as his companions to hold him down. The original two guards moved to guard the pit master. Pitbull pulled out an energy lash from his subspace and threw it at one of the guards next to him.

"Whip them until they're all begging for mercy." The guard smiled sadistically at these orders.



"You can't!"

"We won't let you- AHH!"

Megatron was the first to fall prey to the stinging whip. He refused to give any more signs that he was in pain, though. But after the thirty-seventh lash, his back plating was shredded along with parts of the protoform underneath it. His were vents coming in slightly ragged and his struggles had lost some of their power. The others stared at him in shock. Megatron, undefeated champion of the Pits of Kaon, brought to his knees, energon pooling beneath him.

"Start on the others," Pitbull barked at his henchmechs. He dragged Bumblebee out of the crate by his doorwings. "Make sure they see what happens to the scraplet they were so quick to fall in love with. Ha! Love!"

Scythe, Dagger, and Soundwave, all struggling to help their friend, were quickly brought to their knees as well. Soundwave's chassis rattled as his symbiotes demanded to be released to help their dock. But the faceless mech didn't want them to witness what was happening. They were safer inside him.

"As for you, bug. I might as well have a some fun before I get my refund." Pitbull said, relishing in the screams Bumblebee made as he shredded his doorwings. He then slammed him on the floor and pressed down on him with his pede.

Bumblebee's optics flickered.

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Note: Oh no. A cliffhanger. If only you could see what happens next. (Stares at same chapter in It's over there too, but I'm posting the next chapter here in like, 2 minutes. Hold tight.

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