Chapter 22: Painted

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Note: This is 40 chapters long. I'm halfway there. You can thank fight_or_write for commenting on the last chapter. It motivated me to post this for you all. Who knew comments were really that motivational? Enjoy!

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Sideswipe and Sunstreaker peered around the corner at their target. At their pedes, a little black and yellow sparkling also peeked his helm around the wall.







"Sparkling scapegoat?"



"Then let's do this thing," Sideswipe said as he loaded his weapon. Sunstreaker turned the safety off of his gun while Bumblebee counted his grenades and the nanokliks until his plan went into motion.

The trio crept down the empty hallway, bent down and poised in "cop raid position." Just before they could fire, the target turned around...

To see no one there.

The target shrugged and continued on his way. Once the target entered the training room, Bee and twins quietly dropped from the ceiling.

"That was close," Sunny remarked over the temporary short-range comm system they had set up earlier.

Bee's doorwings flicked anxiously as he said, "Target cornered. Let's paint the ground with blue." The twins gave him matching smirks as they went into position on either side of the door. They would kick down the door and run in guns blazing while Bee followed up with grenades. The target would be a brand new color if they succeeded.

"On three," Sides said over the comm.

"3, 2, 1..."


"What the-?!"

The twins kicked down the door to the firing range and opened fire on the target. The target ducked behind a barrier and held his blaster close to his chest. When the noise died down, the target jumped from his hiding place and fired at his assailants...

To find that his plasma had been replaced with neon pink paint.

Sunstreaker, who was now dripping with said neon pink paint, yelled, "What the-? WHOEVER REPLACED HIS PLASMA WITH PAINT IS GOING TO THE SCRAPHEAP!"

They heard giggling near the door. Turning around, they saw Bumblebee doubled over in laughter. "You look good in pink, Sunny. But you need a makeover too, Meggy." The sparkling unsubspaced a small remote control and clicked the single, red button in the middle.

The ceiling panels directly on top of them retracted and dispensers took their place. Paint in all shades of color, from rusty red to oily black, sprayed from above the poor mechs. When the dispensers ran out, which only took a few nanokliks, Megatron, Sideswipe, and Sunstreaker were covered, helm to pede, in every color but their own. Sideswipe sported a dashing neon blue and green with splashes of grey. Sunstreaker rocked a brilliant orange with white stripes. And Megatron was fuming in red and teal paint.


Suddenly, Bee didn't find the situation so funny anymore. "Uh. You look good, Meggy! Red is so your color?" The last part came out as a question as the three victims stalked closer to the sparkling.

"What's going on in hERE!?" Someone bumped into Bumblebee from behind, causing him to drop his grenades. The lights flickered on them.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, darling!" Scythe looked at the mess in the training room. "Ugh! Look at this mess! And I know just the mechs who are going to clean this up." The three mechs groaned. Bee quickly hid his smirk but wasn't fast enough. "You too, little mister."

"Aww!" Bee groaned.


"What's that noise?" Megatron asked.

The twins started and yelled, "The gren-!"


They never finished the bombs went off and showered the closest bots in bright paint. When the last one went off, Scythe and Bumblebee also sported new looks. Bee actually looked quite regal, and sort of familiar, in white paint with blue and gold streaks. However, Scythe was a different story. She was now a very hot pink with dark purple splotches.


Bee gulped. 'Second time in two breems. I'm outta here!' the sparkling thought as he made a run for his life. The others followed as quickly as they could on the slippery paint.

Bee dashed down the hall and managed a tight turn around the corner. The twins were able to run around the corner with some difficulty as well. However, Megatron and Scythe weren't so lucky. The larger gladiator slipped on some paint the twins left behind and slid right into Scythe. They both tumbled over each other into the supply closet in front of them, the door slamming shut behind them. In trying to extricate themselves from one another, they only managed to tangle themselves up even more.

"Well, this is a very... ahem... awkward situation," Scythe said.

Megatron had nothing to say on the matter. Having the femme's legs wrapped around his waist was a dream come true. Literally.

"Well, you do look good in pink," Megatron commented.

"I hate pink! It's so... femme-y!"

"Frankly, you look good covered in anything."

"Do I?"

"You are very beautiful. More so than any femme I've ever met," Megatron said, caressing her cheek.

"I'm the only femme you've ever met," she laughed.

"Well, there was Galaxy."

"She's not your type."

"You are," he purred.

"Do you think I'd still be your type in your berth?" she purred back.

"You want a test drive?"

"Do I?" She pulled him in for a kiss right on the lips. It quickly deepened with the two moaning quietly.

Before their cooling fans could come on, the closet door opened. They were met with visages of Dagger and Soundwave. Dagger spoke first. "There you two are! Bee's got a dislocated shoulder from hanging onto the- OH MY PRIMUS! THE SHIP HAS SAILED! THE OTP IS TRUE! ALL HAIL MEGSCYTHE! Megscy? ScyMegs. Megscythe. Whatever."

Soundwave joined Dagger in his mad giggling while helping the two love birds out of the closet. Scythe immediately slapped the two of them and said, "Come on, idiots! We've got bigger things to deal with!"

"Yeah. Like your fertility. OW! WHAT WAS THAT FOR!" Dagger yelled, clutching his crotch.

"You don't joke about a lady's sex life. It's rude. Now let's go find Bee, hmm? I've got a few words to share with him after Hook relocates his shoulder."

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