Chapter 40: Epilogue

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Their appearance before the High Council went as badly as Megatron didn't think it would go.

First of all, since when did Orion come up with the name, 'Autobot'?

Second, he told Cybertron numerous times that he was not responsible for the attacks on Cybertron's landmarks. And he sure as Pit didn't care about the Matrix unless it was falling into the wrong hands.

And third... How dare he!

"The Matrix of Leadership is yours to seek, because from this moment forward," said Halogen in a voice that filled the Chamber even over the astonished outbursts of the gallery, "you are Optimus Prime. Unite Cybertron and all of the Cybertronians. Usher in this new era you have spoken of so eloquently."

Megatron struggled to keep a passive expression, but it only got harder.

"But I am not worthy of this."

"But he is not worthy of this, he says," Megatron spoke. "I can't believe you! What happened to stopping the oppression of the caste system? Of the High Council?!"

"Megatron, please! We should discuss this later-"

"Later? Because you have now been declared Prime, I should have to wait until later?! Cybertron needs a leader who knows what he - or she! - is doing - Primus knows a femme can get things done. Does Cybertron not call out in its hour of need and find... a data clerk?"


"Brother no more!" Megatron cut him off. "How could you side with the High Council?!"

"If we are to obtain freedom from the castes, we must work with them."

"There are other ways of achieving this goal. I will not work with the group that ignorance of the Cybertronian who work and die in the mines and in the factories and in the arena! I will not tolerate working with the group that sides with Primes! The lineage of Primes has been corrupted. Nova Prime, Sentinel Prime, I don't want you to be next."

At the time, it gratified Orion to know that his friend wasn't jealous. He just wanted to protect him from corruption.

In hindsight, Orion really should've declined the title anyway.

"I. will. not. side. with. a. Prime. Optimus." He spat the name out like it was acid. Spinning on the heel of his pede, Megatron stormed out of the chamber, many of the gallery following as well.

The next orn, the fighting started.

Once again, Megatron didn't initiate the first hit, but attacking the only daycare center in Kaon was a low blow, even for the Elite Guard. Megatron responded with force, attacking Fort Scyk with pitiful ease.

Starscream and his Seekers joined the Decepticons, as well as Dreadwing and Skyquake (formerly) of the Elite Guard. Hook took Knockout under his metaphorical wing as an apprentice and Breakdown  (formerly) of the Wreckers followed him as his apprentice.

Sunstreaker and Sideswipe, much to Bee's dismay, joined the Autobots after a Con ruined the golden twin's finish while being sadistic about it. Ironhide, Jazz, and Ratchet joined them as well.

But no matter who was on what side, Megatron knew that he always had one little mech in his corner. He wasn't so little anymore now, but the leader knew that Bumblebee would stand with him.

Forever and always, his son.

x x x x x

Note: And that's the last of it. Hope you enjoyed it. Part 2 (because there will be one) will start after I finish with this Avengers + TFP crossover someone asked me to do. It's already started on, but I'll move it here at some point. Stay safe and stay happy. Bye!

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