Chapter 39: Seeing Red

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Cybertronians across the globe stopped and stared at the glitching holoscreens displayed across the buildings there. They didn't know where the usual High Council public announcements or frame care ads went. Suddenly, the static cleared up to show a perfect view of Megatron. Everyone gasped at how red his optics were.

::Citizens of Cybertron. I could go on and on about freedom and equality and rights for the lower castes, but this time, I'm going to start with a recent story.

::As you all know, I was arrested on Sola and Luna.:: The bots on the street nodded to each other. The arrest had gone viral after it went on air. ::I was arrested for crimes I did not commit. I did not condone the attacks on those cities. My followers and I were not the first ones to charge the army. And I would NEVER harm my little sparkling.

::My sparkling is the reason my optics are red. I thought Sentinel - yes, your exalted Prime - had killed him. I went mad with worry about my sparkling. And then the slagger- Ack! Not you too!::

::SWORE!:: said a little voice in the background.

Megatron sighed and continued where he left off. ::He killed my lover right before my optics.:: Cybertron watched as the gladiator's voice cracked in shock. It was at that moment they realized that Megatron was just like everyone else.

::It is a miracle from Primus that my little one is still here with me. The old ways of Sentinel Prime and the High Council are holding us back from the future. We need a new leader who can show us the path to equality and the freedom to choose our destinies.

::You may have noticed that my optics are bright red. That is because I am furious.

::I see red at the unjustness of the caste system. I see red at the complacency that we have for such a skewed system. I see red at the atrocities Sentinel Prime is allowed to commit.:: Megatron's red optics flared brighter. Everyone knew he was talking about his own experiences.

::And most of all, I see red because I was complacent for so long before I decided to do something about it. But no longer. I am ready to take action. Cybertronians, do your part in facilitating this drastic, but necessary change. I will use force if needed, but energon does not need to be spilled. To those who have been labeled as Decepticons by the High Council, it is time to rally together and fight for our cause.

::Divided, we fall. United, we stand strong. Together we can end this era of unfairness and return to the true glory of the Golden Age. For Cybertron!:: Megatron yelled, raising his fist in the air.

Cybertronians across the globe cheered. It was so loud, the echo of it even managed to reach Megatron in Kaon, though that could've been the cheering that was in Kaon. The gladiator turned revolutionary looked at Orion and Bumblebee.

Orion had turned off the broadcast and was deleting any evidence of their tampering with the air and radio frequencies. Bumblebee climbed up Megatron's frame to hug his neck. The gray mech hugged him back and kissed his son's helm.

"Why are your optics still red?" Orion asked.

"You heard the broadcast, didn't you? I am angry at the unjustness of the caste system," Megatron replied.

Orion frowned. "But I doubt that you are angry all the time."

Megatron shared a smile with him and looked at his son as he replied, "Red is the color a Cybertronian's optics take on when they are protecting what they love most. I want to protect those I hold dear to me. The caste system makes that harder, so I will fight it to protect my son."

Satisfied Orion said, "I hope everything goes well when we are able to see the High Council."

Megatron clapped a rough servo on Orion's shoulder. "As do I, brother. As do I."

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