Chapter 31: My Meggy

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::For the first time in centivorns, the Energon Fountains couldn't be a part of AllSpark Day celebrations.::


::It's been nearly two megacycles since the 'AllSpark Day Hanging,' as it has been named.::


::Sources say that a sparkling was the victim of attempted murder. A mysterious mech pushed the small child into the central energon well with the chain wrapped around his throat. It's a miracle the sparkling survived.::


::The sparkling is currently recovering at Iacon Central Hospital with his loved ones. We currently don't have permission to release the injuries he received since we have not been able to contact the sparkling's primary caregivers.::


::Is it true that you helped saved the AllSpark Day sparkling, Luna?::

::Well, it's not like I could let a cute little thing like him join the AllSpark yet!::

::And we do have word from his caretakers that once he recovers enough, they will contact us for when they should appear on air.::

::Right on, Sola! I hope that little cutie is okay. Whoever stooped so low as to try and kill a sparkling should be punished.::

::Sent to the madhouse!::

::Should be put to death! That's the same sparkling from the IGC explosion.::


:: I'm here with Iacon Chief of Police Prowl. Chief, what your comments on the AllSpark Day Hanging?::

::There is no denying that this was attempted murder.::

::Does the IPD have any clues as to who the perpetrator is?::

::So far, no one has been able to identify or describe a suspect. However, we haven't gotten permission to question the victim yet. He may be able to provide us with some intel.::

:: It's an atrocious thing to want to kill a sparkling. Why might someone do it?::








::Why would someone try to kill a sparkling? Is this connected to the IGC explosion or the attack on Kaon? Who could possibly be behind this? Seriously, why would anyone want to kill a sparkling? They're so precious these orns!::


'Isn't that the million credit question,' Megatron thought as he shut off the holoscreen. Once again, he was back in the hospital with Bumblebee. This time, he wasn't the one confined to a medberth. However, he'd trade places with Bee in a sparkbeat.

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