Chapter 16: Eavesdrop

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Back in Kaon, Megatron and Bumblebee sneaked into their room to avoid their friends and the inevitable talk they would have to have with them. Unfortunately, their plan backfired when they found Scythe waiting for them on Megatron's berth.

"Bee! Megs!" She ran up to them and hugged Bee before clasping Megatron's servos with her own. "You had us worried! You and Bee go off to Iacon to meet a mech to help our rebellion and then you go and get yourself blown up!"

"Yeah! We need the deets," Dagger said as he entered with Soundwave and Shockwave.

Megatron felt someone tug at his knee plating. He looked down. "Yes, Bumblebee?"

"What did happen, Meggy?" Bee asked.

"You don't remember?" Megatron asked as he lifted Bee into his arms while he sat down across from Scythe on Bee's berth.

Bee scrunched up his face in thought, though it looked cute. "I... I remember you holding me close before a boom. And I remember waking up in the hospital before we had to go. But I can't make sense of the in-between. I have an audio file of it, but it's... warped."

"Perhaps I can help make sense of it later," Shockwave offered.

"That sounds nice," Bumblebee replied.

"But for now, I'd rather you not hear what I'm about to tell the others," Megatron said, placing Bee back on the floor.

"Why not?"

"For all we know, it's just an isolated incident. I don't want you to worry about it. Let the adults worry."

"I actually have to go with Megs on this one, Sweetspark," Scythe added.

"Same here, Buzzy," said Dagger.

"I see the logic in their argument. It is best if you are not present, Bumblebee," Shockwave agreed.

Bee looked to Soundwave with hope shining in his cerulean optics. "Sorry, Bee. I'm already outvoted. I'll let Ravage and Laserbeak out for you though."

"Hmm. Okay," Bee consented. Laserbeak removed himself from Soundwave's chest so that Ravage could come out from behind it The two symbiotes stretched and went to guide Bee towards the door. "You guys are no fun," he mumbled as the door closed behind them.

"I hope you are talking about them because we want to know what's going on too," Ravage said.


"Of course. We want to know how to protect you better," Laserbeak chimed in.

Bee smiled as he pulled up a map of the vent system on the datapad Shockwave gave him for his 28th sparkorn. "So, you guys are attached to Soundwave all the time. What do you think is the best route?"

x x x x x

Half a joor later found the trio edging their way through the air vents in the ceiling.

"Why must these ducts always be so dusty? My wings are going to get clogged," Laserbeak complained.

"Suck it up, Birdy," Ravage growled.

"Don't call me that, Kitty," Laserbeak chirped back.

"Quit calling me 'Kitty'."

"Both of you, qui.. quee... Just stop talking. We're getting close," Bee whispered at them.

Unfortunately, a fan they had not seen on the map blocked them from getting any closer. The slow, grating rotation it made hard to hear part of the adult's conversation.

"I'll go back and scout out another route," Laserbeak said. "You two stay and try to figure out what they're saying." He carefully turned around in the narrow vent and shimmied back the way they had come. Being flexible, Ravage scooted up to rest beside Bee, whose small size allowed the two to fit next to each other.

"What... do?" That was Scythe's voice.

"Logical... cut... source... danger." Definitely Shockwave.

"You... kill...?" That kind of sounded like Dagger.

"Keep... away." That was Soundwave.

"We... both." Bumblebee couldn't mistake his caretaker's voice. "Bee away... protect... rid of... sire."

"Why would they want to get rid of your sire?" Ravage asked out loud.

Bumblebee's optics whirled as he imagined reaching into the back of his mind for the answer. "I think... I think I remember-"


"What... noise?" they heard Scythe ask.



The old metal couldn't support them any longer. The two dusty bots fell out of the vent they had been hiding in. Bee fell right into Megatron's outstretched arms, covering his caretaker in old dust. Ravage landed on his paws and jumped on a chair to groom himself when he noticed a certain someone perched on Soundwave's shoulder.

"Laserbeak! You deserter!" he hissed.

The bird symbiote shook his wings in indignation. "What? I didn't want to spend joors preening my wings. Is there anything wrong with wanting to be ready to fly at a moment's notice?"

"Yeah. It means you're a vain little vulture."

"Why you-!"

"Enough!" Megatron commanded. The whole room went quiet. He turned to his charge. "Why did you try to eavesdrop on us?"

The sparkling hung his helm and said, "I wanted to know what happened. I wanted to know why someone tried to blow us up. Maybe it's because you're leading a revolution. Maybe it's because some gladiator wants to be the next undefeated champion." He met his mentor's crimson gaze. I don't want you to get hurt."

Megatron sighed. "Oh, Bumblebee. You're such a sweet little scraplet." He rubbed Bee's doorwings affectionately. "I would've told you what happened later if you had just waited.


"Yes. And now, I'll have to punish you. Do you know why?"

"Because I disobeyed you."

Megatron caressed Bee's cheek while addressing the others. "Soundwave, I'm sure you know what punishment is appropriate for your symbiotes. Otherwise, we should call it an orn. It's almost berthtime."

"Aww, Megatron! We're too old for berthtime!" Dagger complained.

Soundwave slapped him. "Not you, idiot. The young ones!"

"Oh." The others filed out one by one until Bee and Megatron were left alone.

Bee reluctantly laid face-down over Megatron's lap and prepared to receive the first spank. When it came, Bee willed himself not to cry, but a drop of lubricant escaped his watery optics anyway. After the tenth hit, the blows stopped and Bee was lifted up to his caretaker's chest.

Megatron wiped the stay tear away and held him close until Bee drifted into recharge, his little digits clinging to his chestplate. The large mech held the little one closer as he eased under the blankets on his berth. Bee would still wake up in his own berth by next orn, but little moments like this were important.

Megatron kissed the small, yellow helm and whispered, "Goodnight, Bee."

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