Chapter 8: Dead

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Note: Still don't own anything.

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Megatron had known Bumblebee for all of one orn, maybe less. Yet in that short space of time, he had gotten to know a wonderful life. Bumblebee was an adorable, intelligent, determined little scraplet, and the gray gladiator didn't want to see that little light extinguished. None of them did.

So when he saw Bee's cerulean optics flicker and his golden paint pale, some ancient coding in him came to life.

Megatron threw off the unsuspecting guards holding him with a strength he didn't know he possessed. The black-clad mechs transreadied their weapons, but Megatron was faster. He wasted no time in blasting a hole straight through four of them with his wrist-mounted ion cannon. They scraped at the gaping hole in their sparks before falling over, dead. When they were too close for firearms, he unsheathed his blade and cut through the rest of them like they were made of butter.

Megatron then turned to the nine guards holding down his friends. He shot two of their helms off, allowing Dagger to lash out against the last one holding him. The serpentine mech threw one of his knives straight through the optic of a guard, piercing his processor. Scythe took care of the last two holding her by elbowing their solar plexuses and beheading them with her scythes. Meanwhile, Megatron and Dagger each dispatched a guard restraining Soundwave. The faceless mech then shocked the last guard to death with his tentacles. Megatron whirled to face Pitbull, killing the last two mechs guarding him, to find the pit master dangling a limp Bumblebee by the throat. "One more move, Megatron, and the scraplet gets it."

"What about your refund?" asked Dagger.

"His seller's only request was that I get him killed. Might as well make good on my end of the deal." He started to tighten his hold. They all stepped forward at the sound of the weak metal threatening to snap under pressure.

"Ah, ah, ah." Pitbull's claws dug into Bee's neck. The little sparkling whirred in pain. Fat drops of energon formed where the mech squeezed him.

"What do you want!?" Scythe yelled.

"I want you dead! You're ruining the hierarchy of this pit! Slaughter City will surpass is if I have to deal with upper caste wannabes like you!"

"As if the caste system applies here!" Dagger scoffed.

"Of course it does!" He jerked the newspark towards them. "Why do you think his sire had his carrier killed!"

The moment Pitbull jerked him close, they all jumped into action. Dagger and Scythe stepped back to allow Megatron room to pierce Pitbull's armor and crush his spark with his bare servos. Meanwhile, Soundwave stepped forward to catch Bumblebee as he fell from the former pit master's slackened grip. He handed the unconscious newspark to his caretaker.

Megatron took the lead. "Take Bumblebee and go to the medbay."

"What about you?" Scythe asked.

"I have an announcement to make. Go, I'll meet you there."

Even with a slight limp, Megatron looked regal and imposing. He pressed a button on the PA microphone and started to speak.

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