Chapter 6: Changing

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Note: I DON'T OWN IT. Do you?

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Since she didn't actually know where they were supposed to change Bumblebee, Megatron had grudgingly dragged her to his quarters where Pitbull had said he was going to have a station installed. Sure enough, there was a table covered by a thin sheet with pouches containing fresh waste tanks hanging by the sides. A portable incinerator had been placed nearby to completely dispose of the used tanks, thank Primus.

"Well, let's get started! We're lucky he's in recharge, otherwise he might be fussing right now." Scythe said, laying the recharging Bumblebee on the table. She noticed Megatron slacking off on the other side of the room. "Well, get over here!"

"I'd rather watch how you do it," he said, smirking. It was quickly wiped off his face when a scythe embedded itself in the wall right next to his helm. "Coming!" he said in a rather high pitched voice.

Scythe laughed and guided his servos with her own on how to change Bee's waste tank. It was a quiet moment, punctuated by Scythe's occasional comments. Twenty three breems later, Bee had a fresh waste tank and the adults were sitting on Megatron's berth, drinking their energon with Bee in Scythe's lap. Soundwave and Dagger had stopped by earlier to drop off some energon.

For some reason, they had left the room giggling. Must have been an inside joke.

"So," Scythe started.

"So," returned Megatron.


Yes, Bee?" the femme cooed.
Click Chirp Whir

"Is that so?"

Click Purr


Whir Click

"That's fascinating!"

Megatron watched the impromptu conversation between the adorable sparkling and the beau -- uh -- blue femme.

Yes, Scythe was blue. And tan. And pretty. Cool! Pretty cool.

"Do you know how Pitbull got a hold of Bee, Megsy?" Scythe asked, snapping Megatron out of his thoughts.

"No, I never thought about that," he replied. She had raised a good point. Where did Pitbull find him?

"Oh, I wish I could've gotten him. I would never hurt you. Neva eva. Right, sweetie?" She blew into Bee's stomach and laughed at his happy clicks of laughter.

"Why didn't he pick you?"


"Pitbull said that everyone else wanted to abuse him and that only I didn't want to. But you wouldn't hurt him either. So why not you?"

"I know, right? Pitbull needs to get his story straight. Do you want to hold Bee?"

Megatron held out his arms to receive him. The bitlet curled up near his spark and fell into recharge there. The duo watched his vents come and go one at a time, a steady tempo of air.

Scythe checked her chronometer. "We've got ten breems until second shift. Wanna join me?"

"I thought we always trained together?"

"Well..." A shy smile played on her lips. "I was thinking about having a few joors off. Together."

Megatron's optic ridges shot upwards. Were his audials deceiving him or did Kaon's most eligible gladiator bachelorette just ask him on a date?

Wasn't it supposed to be the other way around?

"S-sure. Where to?"

She chuckled, "I'll let you decide."

Slowly but surely, they scooted closer and closer until-



"It's not my fault I'm so large!"


"You're an idiot."

Dagger and Soundwave had came crashing through the door that mysteriously opened on its own.

"What are you idiots doing?" Scythe demanded to know.

"Nothing," Soundwave said.

"Spying on you," Dagger said at the same time. They looked at each other and Soundwave slapped him.

"Bigger idiot."

"In what sense?"

"All of them!"

"I suggest you four stop arguing," said a new voice, "and come to my office immediately.

The group looked to see Pitbull looking smug and angry at the same time, if that was possible.

"Why?" Megatron asked.

"Don't ask why! It is not your place!" He threw a pet carrier at Megatron, the same one they forgot in the training room, blanket included. "I told you not to forget that. Make sure you bring it inside that." He turned and left.

The three mechs and femme were silent for a moment.

"Should we go?" Dagger asked.

"We can't not go. Can we?" said Scythe.

Megatron looked at the little bitlet recharging in his arms. He watched it turn over in blissful peace, oblivious to everything that had just happened.

"If we were directly told to bring Bumblebee, it can't be good."

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