Chapter 27: Date Night Part 1

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Note: I almost forgot. Didn't want to leave anyone hanging, after all. Time for a new chunk. Thank fight_or_write again. I could've squealed when I saw that comment.

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Three long megacycles had come and gone. Megatron had finally gotten a new alt mode: a B-127 fighter jet. The local seeker gladiators had helped him figure out the ups and downs of his new flight mode. The ups involving too many loop-de-loops. Too many. The downs involving multiple crash landings that almost made the dizzying loop-de-loops fun. Almost. He'd take a broken arm over his churning tanks any orn.

Bumblebee had finally been deemed healthy enough to leave the medbay after he managed to make a light-up "OPEN" sign for Hook with spare parts that could only have come from the room on the other side of the arena complex. They knew no one had been in that particular room for decavorns and had immediately checked Bumblebee over for any mental trauma. Luckily, Bee didn't seem to have noticed anything disturbing in there.

Scythe had left two megacycles earlier. She spent her time telling stories to the little sparkling and gaining her upper frame strength back in the training room. Although the new recruits -- new idiots, to be accurate -- scoffed at the femme for wanting to spar with them, they were all shivering in fear after she chucked two of them at the wall at the same time. The scythes embedded over their throats, just barely touching their neck cables, made the message clear. Four joors later they were all drooling at the sight of Scythe drenched in coolant, rivulets of the liquid flowing down her sleek, curvy frame.

Megatron, upon seeing the femme in this state, pulled her close to him and whispered how beautiful she looked. Scythe giggled a little and said that he could do some more looking if he took her on a date.

So now, Megatron was putting the finishing touches on his armor for his critic to judge. "Well, how do I look?" He spun in a circle to display his freshly waxed and polished armor. The gladiator's paint was now a gleaming silver instead of a scuffed gray. His critic tilted his helm to one side, then the other, and smiled.

"You look like a new mech, Meggy!" Bumblebee exclaimed happily. "Now go get that femme!"

"You mean me?"

They turned to see Scythe standing in the doorway. Megatron swore he felt his core temperature rise a degree or ten at the sight of her. She must have had her paint touched up too. Her blue and tan armor had that new frame look to it. She even smelled beautiful; like copper roses, maybe.

"You look stunning, dear," Megatron said as he stepped up to her.

"Likewise. Now, where are you taking me for our date?" she asked.

"Oh. Ah..."

"Spit it out, Megsy."

"Alpha Trion was eager to meet Bumblebee after Orion told him about him. So, I figured we'd drop off Bumblebee at the Hall of Records, make a wish or two at the Energon Fountains, watch the sunset on the shore of Lake Ole-mm!" Scythe cut him off by tugging him down for a kiss. Bumblebee silently mimed gagging into his servo and wiping his glossa.

"That sounds so romantic. But what happens after night?" She walked her digits up her courter's arm to boop his helm.

"Oh, Alpha Trion won't mind watching Bee for the night. What we do is up to you, my dear."

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