Part Twentieth

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Babs:We'll handle this the way we always do
Kara:Brute strength?
Karen: Almost dying?

Commisioner Gordon: Can you describe the girl who stabbed you?
Barry:Yes, she was not very friendly

Kara: (Enters the room covered in fire extinguisher foam)
Zee: Whoa, what happened to you? Did you fall into some mud or something?
Kara:Yeah, I did. And now I'm gonna be famous because I'm the only one in the world who knows where you can find white mud.

Hal: "The Squad" is the best book I've ever read, and I've read fifteen books.
Barry: Fifty? That's not that many– wait, did you say fifteen?

Kara:I got detention today?
Eliza Danvers:What did you do this time?
Kara:The teacher pointed a ruler at me and said. "There's an idiot at the end of this ruler" and I asked, "Which end?".

Oliver: Germs take one look at my body and say "Hey, why waste our time?".
Zee:Women say the same thing.

Doris:To kill a vampire, you have to stab them through the heart with a wooden stake.
Harley:As an expert on stabbing, I have to say that would kill just about anyone.

Pam: (Fondly) It's moments like this I will never forget.
Carol: With a good therapist, hopefully I will.

***Older, in the Hall of Justice***
Barry: Name one time I haven't acted professionally.
Oliver: You're holding a juice box.
Barry:It keeps me from spilling my juice!

Commisioner Gordon:You're under arrest.
Harley:No, I'm not
Commisioner Gordon:Shit

***The Invincibros getting rescued from  LexCorp after #AlleyCat***
Hal as Green Lantern : Well, yeah, but only because you kinda told us to. You're our leader, Diana, as in "follow the."
Diana as Wonder Woman: Well, from now on, I'm your leader as in "do what I say."
Hal as Green Lantern :Jawohl. But let's not try to forget, we're also your friends.
Clark as Superman: I'm not.
Diana as Wonder Woman: Then why are you here? Aside from getting rescued, what is it that you do?
Clark as Superman: I provide much needed...sarcasm.
Kara as Supergirl: Um...that'd kinda be my job actually.

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