Zee: If you were my husband I'd poison your tea
Oliver:If you were my wife I'd drink it.Karen: Hey, Diana! Can I get some dating advice?
Diana: Just because I'm with Steve doesn't mean I know how I did it.Jess:Wait, did you just flirt with me?
Hal:Have been for the past year, but thanks for noticing.Teacher: Did you have any trouble with the homework, Kara?
Kara:Piece of cake
Teacher:You didn't do it, did you?
Kara: I don't even know where my pencil is.Hal:Would you please stop staring dramatically off into the distance while I’m talking to you?
Oliver: (Staring dramatically off into the distance) I don’t know what you’re talking about.Barry: What are you doing?
Babs:(Focused) I’m planning Zee and Oliver’s wedding.
Barry:What can I help you with?
Morty: (From the background) YOU SAID THEIR WEDDING?! COUNT ME THE FUCK IN.***Older, in college***
Oliver: Look, dude, don’t think I’m a sap, but I think... I think I might be in love with Zee... Or whatever.
Hal:Took you long enough. Marry her. I have a priest on speed dial. I can set something up. Right now.Babs: Dad, I screwed up big time.
Commisioner Gordon: Pumpkim, given your daily life experiences you're going to have to be more specific.Barry: Garth, You have to listen to us! We're, like, four years older than you!
Garth: I’m not gonna listen to people who just tried to teach me a lesson with puppets.
Oliver: (Still holding the puppet)You leave Mrs. Sunshine out of this!Karen: I wish I had the ability to make boys really nervous.
Selina: (Interrupting) Holding a sharp knife to their neck usually does the trick for me.
Hal: As a boy, I can confirm that this makes me nervous.Diana: Is it true that you once spent three days in the trunk of a car waiting to scare someone?
Harleen: It was five.***Older***
Hal: (To a colleague) This is my ex-girlfriend Jessica.
Jess: Stop introducing me like that! I’m his wife.***You need a pencil in class***
Lois: Gives you a pencil and an extra one in case it breaks.
Babs: Gives you one but makes you promise you’ll give it back.
Karen:Types her notes on a laptop so can’t help you.
Hal: Was about to ask you for a pencil so you're both screwed.
Zee: Offers you her glitter pen and a smile as she pulls out another glitter pen for herself.
Barry:Has one pencil that has been sharpened so much that it’s now just a nub but still gives it to you.
Kara:Has been using a blue crayon all semester.
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