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I wake up to the sun peeking through the blinds, shining onto my face. Groaning, I roll over to look at the clock. 10:20.

The morning isn't my prime time of the day, to be honest. I'm usually pretty groggy and cranky in the mornings.

I manage to force myself to roll out of bed and take a quick shower, changing into a plain white t-shirt and jeans with boots. It's a Monday morning in Nashville, which means that it's time for my daily Starbucks run.

I run downstairs, grab my jacket and hop in my car.


I scroll through my twitter as I wait for my drink. 'Boring, boring boring,' I say to myself as I read about the latest gossip on Katy Perry. Frankly, I don't know why Katy Perry is still a thing.

And then something great happens. Well not actually great, that's just me attempting to be sarcastic. It didn't work.

'@TMZ: Harry Styles seen out and about with model Barbara Palvin late last night and eventually retiring to his home, not being spotted until leaving early this morning. Was the star cheating on girlfriend, Taylor Swift?'

I read the tweet about 10 times. And then another 10 times. I knew this guy was bad news. We've been dating for literally a day, and he's already cheated with some model? Yeah, okay we aren't actually dating, but he needs to act like we are! He could ruin this for both of us. It could cost us our career's.

I quickly grab my starbucks and decide to pay Harry a visit.


I walk up to his doorstep in the cold November air. I'm bundled in a jacket, scarf, gloves and I hold my starbucks coffee as I knock on the big door. What a douche bag. Everyone said 'Harry's a great guy, Taylor! You'll like each other!' Yeah, look were that got us.

Harry opens the door, his long hair more chaotic than usual. He's wearing a white t-shirt and plaid pajama pants. "Taylor? What are you doing here?" He asks, more tired than his usual excitement to see me. It looks like he actually just rolled out of bed.

I barge into his house, anger piling back into me as I think about the tweet I read previous that morning. "Barbara Palvin, Harry?!" I yell, throwing my hands in the air. And then he does that thing he usually does when he genuinely doesn't want someone near him. He rolls his eyes, which really pisses me off "It was a one night stand, alright? Jesus, Taylor. Me and you? We're dating, not dead," he says, walking closer to me.

I can't stand him. How am I supposed to spend 2 more months with this guy? I could barely be in a room with him for 5 minutes.

"You can't even manage to fake fucking date me, Harry! You do realize that the paps saw you guys together, right? You realize that our career's are on the line?!" I yell, and he laughs. "Yea, Taylor. Why are you so uptight about it? It was just sex," he says, and I angrily run my fingers through my hair. I could unquestionably punch a hole in his wall right now and not feel the least bit guilty.


I know what you're thinking. How did Harry switch from falling completely in love with Taylor, to not giving a fuck about her so fast? Well I didn't. I didn't actually sleep with Barbara Palvin, what? You think i'm an idiot? I'm completely obsessed with the idea of being with Taylor, which sounds borderline creepy, but I don't mind. Anyway, this is the usual Harry. The douche bag Harry Styles. That's me. See, me being in love with Taylor may change me to actually putting someone else before myself, but I'm not letting that happen. Not yet.

So now you're probably all like 'why would he tell Taylor he slept with Barbara when he didn't?' Yeah, I did that because Taylor literally hates my guts. I'm not sure why, but she does. See, if I were to confess my love to her, she would probably run at her first opportunity. I figure if I drive her insane enough, she'll be intrigued with being with me. Maybe she'll find the whole badass thing attractive, who knows.

Yeah, Barbara was just at my flat because Niall was over last night, and I guess they kind of have a thing? I'm not sure.

"You have no clue how fast I would leave here and never talk to you again if I could," Taylor says angrily, pointing at the door. I chuckle, leaning against the back of the couch. "Yea, i'm sure you would, love," I say and she takes a deep breath. "You were actually nice yesterday, you know that? I was planning on coming over here and apologizing for being rude to you, for judging you. But you know what, you're the douche bag I thought you were, Harry! Screw you!" She yells, and just as she's about to leave I grab her wrist and pull her towards me.

Her eyes meet mine, and she just kind of stares. She doesn't look nervous or confused or mad or happy, she looks compelled. Just what I was looking for.

I cup my hands around her face and crash my lips into hers.

She doesn't even try to pull away.

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