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"Are you sure you're okay? You look pale.." Austin says as we walk back into the living room. I nod. "I'm fine," I say pretty forcefully. I collapse onto the couch with a sigh, my cuts still stinging under my shirt. Harry sits next to me. "Do you wanna talk about the article?" He asks, taking my hands. I pull away. "No, I don't." I know i'll loose it in front of everybody if we talk about it.

"Maybe you should tweet something adressing the article," My father recommends. "I have this interview booked for tomorrow anyway. I'm sure they'll ask me about it there," I explain and they nod. Everything is so much more awkward now. Merry Christmas, everyone.


I wake up the next day to my alarm going off at 7am. Harry, who spent the night last night, rolls over to face me, his eyes looking into mine. "Good morning beautiful," he whispers. I smile. "I'm gonna go get ready," I say and he nods, kissing my cheek before I go start my shower.

After i'm showered and dressed in a shirt and high waisted shorts, I walk out into my kitchen where Harry hands me a plate of pancakes. "No thanks, i'll just have a breakfast bar," I mumble as I grab a special K breakfast bar out of my cabinet. He frowns. "Are you sure you're okay? You've been acting different," he points out. I roll my eyes. 'Of course i'm not okay. Have you even been paying attention?!' Is all I want to shout at him right now, but I settle for a simple, "I'm fine," once again.


I pull up to the radio station in which i'm being interviewed in. God, how am I going to do this? I grip my coffee as I stare at myself in my rearview mirror. "You can do this," I whisper to myself. What if they ask me about the article? Do I confirm? Deny? Of course, my publisist told me to deny. But how do I explain the video? The pictures? I'll say it was photoshopped to look like me. It wasn't me at all.

What if they ask for proof? My scar is hidden over a jacket that i'm wearing. Won't they find it odd that it's 65 degrees in LA and i'm wearing a jacket? I mean, yeah it's December, but i'm in California. Whatever, i'll just do whatever feels right at the time.

I take my coffee and sunglasses, and strut in like i'm the most confident person in the world, which is another lie. 

"Taylor Swift! How are you! I'm Nate and this is my assistant Katherine! We'll be doing the interview today," Nate says as soon as I walk in. I smile and hug them both. "It's so nice to meet you guys! I've heard about you," I say with a smile. We small talk for a few minutes and then take it into the studio.

"3, 2, 1," they count down as I sip my coffee. "We are now on air with Ms. Taylor Swift!" Nate announces as I put my headphones on and scoot closer to the microphone. I set my coffee down next to me. "Well hello," I giggle. "So Taylor, a lot has been happening in your world recently. You just released yet another chart breaking record, Red, and you're planning a Summer tour?" He asks and I smile. "Uhm, yeah!! Thank you! Yeah, Red is something a little different from what i've worked on in the past. I think.. you know, it has a little more of a pop element to it but it's definately a record that i'm really proud of," I explain and he nods. "You're also rumored to be dating One Direction's Harry Styles! What do you have to say about that?" He asks. I scrunch my lips together, trying to think of someway to spin this. "Yeah, we've been hanging out," I say with a smile pretty vaguely. "Alright, that was pretty non specific," he laughs. "Well no," I stammer, trying to think of what to say. I laugh. "We hangout," I say again and he laughs too. "Alright, Taylor. On a more serious note, I think everyone has seen a certain rumor floating around," He says. My heart starts to pound fast and faster. "Oh no..." I say calmly as I sip my coffee, pretending like I have no clue what he's talking about, even though I know exactly what he's talking about. "I'm not sure if you're aware, but there's been a recent article floating around that you self harmed," he explains. I raise an eye brow. "Yeah, that's not true," I say right away, in my most determined tone. He nods. "Alright, so have you heard about it before now.. is this the first time?" He asks. 

"No, I heard about it from my friends actually. Yesterday I was with my family and my phone all of a sudden was blowing up with texts like 'oh my god, are you okay' and 'is this true? are you dead?' and I was like, what?" I laugh, acting it out. 


About an hour later, we're finally done with the interview. I thankfully made it out alive, thank god.

I walk to my car as the paparazzi snap pictures in my face. 

"Why do you cut?!"
"You're ruining peoples lives!"
"Get your act together!"

I pretend like it doesn't phase me as I stare at the ground, watching where i'm walking. But once I get into the car, I break down. The paparazzi can't tell because my security is pushing them back and I have on sunglasses. I let out a sob, putting my head into my hands, leaning it against my steering wheel. Why am I so fucking emotional all the time? That's another thing the general pulic hates about me. 

Once I pull myself together I drive home, mentally preparing myself for any questions Harry may have about todays outing.

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