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We're escorted off of the plane by Harry's security as paps surround us, shouting things, flashing lights in our faces. But Harry never drops my hand as I trail behind him.

We finally get into the black Cadillac SUV that starts it's journey to Harry's hotel. "Are you excited?" Harry asks as he plays with our intertwined fingers in the back seat of the car. "Excited for what?" I giggle as I stare at him. He looks up at me. "This," he mumbles and kisses my neck, making his way up to my lips. I'll never get tired of his kisses. "Harry.." I mumble, but he doesn't stop. "Harry, not here," I say sternly, and gently push him off of me. "Come on," he groans. "I don't want our relationship to just be based off of the sex," I say and he stares at me, confused. "Then what do we do? Go for walks?" He laughs. I nod. "Yeah, and watch movies and go on dates and maybe just even laying next to each other. Things we used to do together.. back in London," I remind him and he scoffs. "What's the point in that?" He groans. I raise an eyebrow. "Uh, spending time together. Don't you enjoy spending time with me?" I ask and he grabs my hand again. "Yeah, of course. But I also enjoy sex with you... so.." his voice travels. I can't help but smile at his stubbornness. "Let's try out a date night tonight," I recommend with an excited smile. He looks over at me, seeing my excitement. "Fine," he gives in and I squeal. "Come here," I say with a smile, pulling him on top of me and this time, I allow him to kiss me.


We walk through the hotel door, hand in hand. As soon as we put our stuff down, Harry slams the door closed with his foot and walks towards me. I giggle as he pulls me into him with that goofy smile of his, and presses his lips onto mine. He knocks me onto the king sized bed and I giggle as he falls on top of me. But he doesn't keep kissing me, he just hovers above me, staring into my eyes. "What?" I giggle, and he smiles. "I missed you.. you're so much more beautiful when you're all smiley like that," he says with a smile, and I can't help but blush. "You make me all smiley," I say and he chuckles and kisses me as I roll on top of him. I can't get enough of him. Maybe I was wrong about him.. Maybe he isn't the bad guy. 

After a few minutes we just lie side by side on the bed, out of breath from the make out session. He looks over at me, his once perfect hair now a mess. "So our date tonight.." he says with a smile. I smile too. I didn't think Harry would actually give this a shot. "Where do you wanna go, Ms. Swift?" He asks. "Hmmmm..." I think out loud. "What about a dinner?" I ask, but he sticks his tongue out. "To elegant," he says. I roll my eyes. "You're such a diva," I say as I sit up on the bed. He sits up too. "What about bowling?" He suggests. "YES" I say immediately, jumping like a 5 year old. He chuckles at me. "So it's a date?" He asks. "It's a date."


I shrug into a long black coat and twist my hair to the side of my neck as Harry takes a call across the room. "What do you mean? I thought our New York show was tomorrow?" I hear him fight on the phone with god only knows who. I wait patiently on the end of the bed as I listen to his end of the conversation. "What the fuck? Why doesn't anyone tell me these fucking things anymore?" He questions in a rage. And then he hangs up. "Bullshit," he mumbles, breathing heavily. I walk up to him, taking his hands. "What's up, babe?" I ask calmly. He sighs, looking into my eyes. "I totally forgot that I have a show tonight," he breaks to me. My smile drops. I was really looking forward to our date. "T, i'm sorry.. I had no clue," he says as he holds my hands, staring into my blue eyes. I look down at our intertwined fingers. "No.. it's okay. I'll come with you," I say quietly, trying to hide my disappointment. But I know he knows. "Are you sure?" He asks. I can tell he's also disappointed. "Y-yeah.. Let's go."


I walk Harry backstage and to his dressing room, where I also find the rest of the boys. "Alright, i'm sorry babe but I gotta go," Harry says, quickly pecking my lips before getting pulled to hair and makeup. 

So now i'm left standing in the middle of the dressing room, staring at a couch filled with 4 boys. Niall, Liam, Louis and Zayn. There's complete and utter silence in the room. Sure, i've ran into a few of them at some point. Niall's pretty sweet, he's complemented me on my records multiple times. But as for the rest of them, we've never really talked. We've been in the same award shows, after parties, but we've never felt the need to introduce ourselves.

Where do I even go? Do I stay and hangout with the boys or find a quiet place to wait for Harry? 

"Nice to see you again, Taylor," Niall says, breaking the awkward silence. I smile as he gets up and hugs me. "You too, Niall! How's everything?" I ask. "Great! I'm glad to see you're doing better," he says with a smile. My smile fades. "Excuse me?" I ask in the politest way possible. What does he mean by that? Did Harry tell them about the cutting?

"I mean, since Harry's party in London. You had that meltdown?" He asks. OH! I'm such an idiot. I laugh and nod. "Oh.. yeah, I am. Thank you," I say with a smile as I try to hide my embarrassment. "Taylor, this is Zayn, Liam and Lou, in case you didn't know," he says awkwardly and I nod, waving. "Nice to meet you," Zayn says with a smile, getting up to shake my hand. But Liam and Louis don't make the effort. I've never felt more excluded in my life. Well, maybe in the middle school cafeteria, but that's besides the point.

"So what do you guys usually do before concerts? Any rituals?" I ask as I sit on the arm of the empty chair next to me, taking a sip of my water bottle. "No, not really," Liam says. He sounds a bit annoyed. I look to Niall and Zayn for help. "Uh, we usually just goof off," Zayn explains. But I look around the room awkwardly. It doesn't look like they 'goof off.' Unless i'm holding them back. "Oh, well.. I think i'm going to get some air. Nice meeting you guys!" I say before making a bee line for the dressing room door.

I rush through the Madison Square Garden corridors before I bump into someone. "I- uh- sorry," I mumble, keeping my head down. But someone lifts my chin up. "Taylor?" Harry asks, looking confused as ever. I feel my face heat of embarrassment. "What's wrong? Where are you going?" He asks worriedly, rubbing my shoulder. "I- I don't know. You're friends hate me Harry," I say, staring up at him helplessly. He sighs. "Liam and Lou?" He asks and I nod. "Y-yea. How did you know?" I stammer. He takes my hand and we sit on the floor, leaning up against the concrete walls. "Listen.. they aren't big supporters in terms of us," he explains vaguely. "So in other words, they don't like me?" I ask. He looks at me, struggling to find the right words. And then he looks down at my hand and grabs it, rubbing it with his thumb in circles. "They don't understand your music," he says finally. "Don't sugarcoat this, Harry. Tell me," I say, staring at him. He scrunches his lips together, thinking. "They think you're kind of.. they think you use guys to sell records," he finally says. I sigh, throwing my head in the hand Harry isn't holding. Of course they do, everybody does.

"Taylor, don't take it personally. They don't know you like I do," He says, tightening his grip on my hand. I pull away. "Do you know me, Harry? This was a big publicity deal in the first place. What if they're right?" I ask, searching his eyes for answers. "They aren't. Because we fell in love. Not for publicity but because.. I don't know. We love each other. That doesn't need an explanation. Neither do you." I sigh, throwing my head back. "I need to get out of here," I whisper. Harry looks over at me. "Stay," he whispers. "Please." He grabs my hand again, but I pull away and get back to my feet. He stands up also.

"I'll just call the driver. Go do your thing. I'll see you later tonight," I say quietly, peck his lips, and leave him there before he has the chance to protest.

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