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I wake up, immeadiately realizing that i'm no longer at my apartment. I'm at... a hospital? I look down at my body, where tubes and fluids and needles poke into my arms. "Taylor," My mother breaths in relief, hugging me as tight as possible. "M-mom?" I croak. Everything that previously happened today is a blur. "I thought you guys couldn't make it?" I ask as my dad and Austin walk into the room.

"We rushed out as soon as we got the call," My dad says reassuringly and kisses my head. Austin just stands in the corner of the room and stares at the wall blankly. "Austin? Hey," I say awkwardly, wondering why he hasn't greeted me yet. "What? Oh, uh.. hey," he says quietly. I must've snapped him out of his daze. 

As my family creates small talk to distract me, my thoughts wonder. Why am I here, anyway? 

I look down at my wrist. Well, there ya have it. A deep fresh cut stretches across my wrist, which is now stinging with pain. And the past few hours before I blacked out come back to me. 

"Oh my god," I mumble to myself. "Taylor, what's wrong?!" My mom asks in panic. "I- I did this," I mumble, talking to myself more than i'm talking to them. Austin just kind of looks at me from the corner of his eye, trying to avoid eye contact. My little brother... I let my little brother down.

I look back down at my wrist, breathing heavily. I let down my family, fans, and oh god. Harry. What will Harry think of me when he sees me? Or when he doesn't, because he'll most likely never want to see me again.

"Can I have a minute with Austin?" I ask my parents lightly and they nod in pity, and close the door behind them.

I stare at Austin, and he walks closer. Slowly, like I have a disease. "I'm sorry," is all I can manage to say. What else can you tell your little brother after you've almost succeeded at offing yourself? Because I can't think of anything.

"Why, T? Why'd you do it?" He asks, his voice angered. I breath sharply. "I don't-" I start, but he cuts me off. "You're life is a fairytale. Girls from everywhere crave to be you and guys crave to get with you. You tour the world doing what you love most. Why are you so fucking stubborn?!" He asks, raising his voice. "You don't understand, Austin!" I yell back. "NO! No, I don't fucking understand, Taylor. Because even if you're not content with your life right now, you have mom and dad and me and we love you! I love you! I'm sorry that that's all you get. I'm sorry if we're not enough!" He yells. He leaves quicker than the conversation started. 


And then the unexpected happens. Harry walks in.

"Taylor," he breaths. I sit up. "Harry. What are yo-?" I start, but he cuts me off. "I found you," he says. I raise an eyebrow. "I came to surprise you and you were.. covered in blood in a freaking bathroom," he whispers. I can hear the pain in his voice. Let me add him to the list people i've disapointed. Oh, and lets not forget about the millions of fans out there.

"I'm sorry," I mumble. Harry shakes his head and takes my hand. "No, it's my fault. I knew you were under pressure and I should've done something." "Done what, Harry? Told them to stop? They're ruthless," I remind him. "I don't know.. I just- I don't like knowing that I don't have control over something," he admits. "Welcome to my world," I say and he lightly chuckles. 

He looks down at my wrist, tracing the scar lightly with his finger. "Is this the first time?" He asks quietly. I just nod. "When you're in pain, i'm in pain. It hurts me to see you hurt," he says. I look into his eyes. "So don't hurt yourself." 

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