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I sit on Harry's living room couch drinking hot chocolate as he checks the weather on his phone, which he is doing in the kitchen. I still can't believe I gave in, I actually slept with Harry Styles. And I don't regret it one bit.

I feel my cheeks heat up as I think about what we were doing just a half an hour ago in his bedroom. 

"Seems to me like you'll be spending a few days with me, Swift," Harry says as he walks over to the couch, where i'm curled up in a ball, freezing cold. "Why's that?" I ask as I shiver. He tosses me a furry blanket as he stares at his phone. "There's a huge blizzard heading our way. All flights are canceled," he explains. "Explains the power outage," I add and he nods. "So, what should we do without internet connection and television?" He asks, putting down his phone and I smile and shrug. "What do you have in mind?" I ask, and his face lights up. "Let's have a few people over," he says with a smile, already taking his phone back out of his pocket to contact guests. We literally just had the best sex of my life and now we're going to invite a bunch of friends over? At 9 at night? With a blizzard heading our way? "What about the storm?" I ask, and he shrugs. "Says it won't hit here until morning. Come on Tay, be spontaneous," he says with a smile, nudging me. I can't say no to him.

"Sure, why not?"


About 30 minutes later, I'm changed into a crop top with a pair of high waisted shorts. I touch up my makeup and walk back downstairs. I find Harry in the kitchen setting up a stereo which is now blaring music, wearing a plain white shirt and black skinny jeans with a long necklace hanging from his neck, a key at the end. "Damn," he mumbles when he sees me, and I blush, smiling at the floor a bit.

"How did I get someone as sexy as you?" He asks, walking closer and I throw my arms around his neck, kissing him. That's when the doorbell rings.

"Fuck," he mumbles. "You're the one who called the get together on, mister. Get on your poker face," I tease and he smirks. "That was a stupid ass decision." 

Harry opens the door and Niall, Liam, Zayn, Selena, Ella and Ed Sheeran pour in. Selena squeals when she sees me, since I haven't seen her in a while. "SEL!" I basically scream, and we run up to each other, hugging as tightly as we can. "And Ella!" I squeal and latch onto her next. And than last but not least, "ED!" (You can say i'm a pretty excitable person). 

"Hey, what about me Swift?" I hear Niall question and I laugh. I run up to him and throw my arms around his neck, hitting him pretty hard. "NIALLER!" I practically yell and he laughs, hugging me also. "Good to see you again."

Within the next hour, more people start to show and pile in. I mean, I knew a few friends were coming, but I wasn't aware that the whole city of London was! 

Harry's Pov: 

"So you and Taylor are doin' well?" Lou asks as he pops open a fresh beer. "Yea, we actually just seeled the deal," I say as I raise my eyebrows up and down and he laughs. "Damn, nice dude. How'd she feel?" He asks with a chuckle. "It was great, she's great. I mean, publicity and sex out of one girl? I'm starting to like this deal. It's everything I want without the pressure of a relationship," I explain and I take another sip of my 5th beer tonight. "Damn, tell her i'm available when you're done with her," he says and we laugh, both taking another sip.

Taylor's POV:

I run into the kitchen to find Harry pouring his friends drinks and laughing at some dirty joke.

"I thought you said there was going to be a few friends?" I ask, yelling over the music. He looks at me, still laughing from the joke. "Babe, calm down. It's no big deal," he says with a chuckle. I can smell the alcohol on his breath. "It is, Harry! I thought you cared about me, maybe we would get to hangout alone tonight after what we did but you obviously just wanted to get me in bed," I answer and he turns to me, not laughing anymore. He hands Lou his drink and looks back at me. "I'm 18, Taylor. I could do whatever the fuck I want at my fucking flat. If you don't like that, leave!" He responds. I feel my face heat up and tears sting my eyes. 

How could we sleep together and then pretend like nothing happened?

I try to speak but I can't. I feel my mouth dry. "Why are you such a douchebag?!" I yell as he goes to walk away, and he lashes back around. "A douchebag? Says the slutty blonde. You wanted to have sex too! It wasn't fucking one sided! AND you're the one who wanted the publicity anyways! I don't need it, but you do to make yourself look 'more pop' or whatever. I don't need this and I don't need you. So screw you." Now tears are running down my cheeks, I hold in the sobs. 

I make my way through the crowd of people, trying to make it seem like nothings wrong, even though i'm falling apart. 

"Tay? Are you alright? I've been looking for you!" Selena says when she sees me. And that's when everything kind of just pours out. I loose it in front of pretty much the whole city of London. All of which are in Harry's house.

I completely start full on sobbing, falling into Selena's shoulder. "I can't do this," I cry, trying to catch my breath which is impossible as of right now. So now i'm wheezing and crying and it's definately not attractive.

I feel the eyes of people on me, staring, judging. 

"Come on, babe. Let's go. We don't need this on TMZ," I hear her whisper and she puts her arm around me, leading me into the bathroom as I hide my face in her shoulder.

She locks the door and I collapse onto the floor, hiding my head in my knees. 

"What the hell happened?" She asks in the most sensitive way possible, sitting on the floor next to me. I look up at her. I can already tell that my make up is running.

"I got in a stupid fight with Harry," I say after a minute. Once i'm calm, she starts speaking again. "What happened? What was it about?" She asks, her arm around my shoulders as I lean on her. "We had sex tonight and it was amazing and our first time and we.. I don't know. It's cheesy but we really had this connection. You know how everyone tells you that you just know when you love someone? I don't know, it's stupid but we slept together and I think I love him and 30 minutes later he tells me that he's inviting a 'few people over.' Which was like, we just had sex and now your inviting all of your friends over? Really? So then I was like, you know, whatever. He can do what he wants and I don't care. And then 500 people show up and I thought he wanted it to just be us tonight and-" I start crying again before I finish. 

She pulls me in closer. "He's bringing out this horrible side of me, Sel," I whisper as I cry. He is, though. I love him, I know I love him. And I hate him at the exact same time and i'm still figuring out how that's possible. He'll be the sweetest guy I know and like that, like a snap he's some monster who's goal is to hurt people. Maybe it's only when he's drunk- I don't know. But does it matter? He still treated me like crap tonight. And I know I deserve more, but I keep falling back to him. For me, the answer's always him.

"Come stay with me tonight, Taylor. Don't stay with Harry. Let's go now. He won't even know," she says, helping me up. I quickly accept the offer and fix my make up, putting my messy waved hair into a pony tail. "You're the best," I whisper as we walk out. 

Everyone's staring when we walk out of the bathroom, the room falling silent. Some are even holding up smart phones, capturing this on video. They probably got my meltdown on video too, so the world will see it by tomorrow. I try to hide my face but obviously when you're standing in front of a few hundred people, it's hard to do so. I grab my purse off the couch and as we head towards the door, I hear Harry's voice.

"Taylor?" He questions. I turn around and see him standing there, staring. He looks concerned, which makes me want to run to him and have him hold me in his muscular arms. But I can't let myself do this.

"Stop, don't go," he calls but once he's said it, i'm already out the door. 

"I'm sorry!" He yells.

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