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Harry's POV:

I look over at Taylor, who's sitting on the floor next to my fireplace wrapped in a blanket, drinking hot chocolate. Her long wavy blonde hair is pulled into a loose side braid, with her side bangs framing the side of her face. She's breathtaking without trying, and I can't wrap my head around why she chose me. She looks over and catches me staring. "What?" She giggles, and I smile as I walk over to her, sitting on the floor next to her. "You're just pretty, that's all," I say and she smiles, shaking her head. "Why are you so nice to me?" She asks with a giggle and I shrug. "You're worth it."

She stares at the fire dancing in the darkness of my flat. "I heard the storm has been dying down," Taylor says lightly, not bothering to take her eyes off the fire. "Yeah, I guess I heard that too," I respond quietly. I don't want her to leave, I want her to stay here with me. "I should probably head back to Nashville soon.." she starts, but I stop her. "One more night with me, Taylor. Please," I plead. She smiles faintly and nods. 

I lead her to the bedroom and we both change into pajamas, her not bothering to leave the room as we change. "So this is our last night," I state as I pull my pajama pants over my boxer briefs. I turn towards her just as she slides her short nighgown up. She puts her once braided hair into a messy bun and turns towards me. "I guess it is," she confirms. I slowly walk towards her and she stares in my eyes with her beautiful blue ones. I put my lips on hers, trying to savor the taste. For all I know, this could be the last time in months I feel this way again. Who knows when we'll meet again. She takes her delicate hand and runs her fingers through my curls, deepening the kiss. I knock her onto the bed and we kiss for a while more. I run my hand up her shirt, and she pulls away. 

"Not now, Harry," She whispers, backing away. I stare at her. She's such a tease. "What? Why? It's our last night," I complain. "We already had sex like an hour ago. I just want to lay with you," she says lightly and I sigh, nodding. We lean our backs against the bedframe and I put my arm around her, her head resting on my chest. Her hand is lightly resting on my abs and I play with her hair. After a while, she drifts peacefully to sleep.



I wake up in Harry's embrace. The sun peeks through the curtains, shining on his tan bare skin and I can't help but stare at him for a minute. He sleeps like an angel, his curly hair a mess and he occasionally lets out a light snore which makes me giggle. "Haz," I whisper, and he shifts slightly. "Mm?" He mumbles, his eyes still closed. I stroke his cheek lightly. "I have to go," I whisper. His eyes open and he tightens his grip on me, pulling me closer to him. "No, not yet," he protests in his raspy morning voice, still half asleep. I sigh. "I know, but Christmas is in a few days and I have a tour to plan," I explain. His eyes flutter open once again and he smirks at me, staring. "What?" I giggle. "What? Oh nothing, i'm just trying to figure out how you're so beautiful, even at 7am in the morning." I blush, looking down. "Stop trying to change the subject, Styles," I giggle and rest my head back onto his chest, listening to his heartbeat. "I don't want you to go today," he mumbles. I look up at him, my head still on his chest. "I know, but I have to. Come on, baby," I say and kiss his chest before getting up and jumping in the shower.


After my shower I pad down the stairs with my suit cases in a sweater and jeans with ankle boots and a purse. I put the purse on the table and leaving the suit cases by the door and meet Harry in the kitchen. "I know how much you love Cocoa Pebbles," He says with a smile and slides them across the counter to me. "Harry, you know I have to go," I complain and he sighs, walking towards me. He rests his hands on my waist and our eyes meet. "It's just breakfast. Please stay?" He pleads and I sigh. I can't say no to him or Cocoa Pebbles. "FIne, fine," I mumble and he smiles cheekily and pecks my lips. I giggle and pour them into a bowl. "So what time's your flight?" He questions as I pour the milk in a bowl and begin eating. "Uh, 9," I answer and he looks at the clock. 8:15. He doesn't say anything, he just looks down at his feet. "You knew I couldn't stay forever, Harry," I say and he sighs. "Yeah I just thought we had more time, that's all," he explains. 

And then the dreaded time comes when I finish my bowl of cereal. I glance at the clock. 8:30. "I have to go," I say quietly as I put the bowl in the dish washer. He just looks at me and nods understandingly. I nod also and walk towards the door. He follows me. 

He hands me my coat silently and I put it on and button up. "So this is it," he says and I nod. "This is it." He holds out his hand and I take it in mine. He pulls me into him and wraps his warm arms around me. "Don't get in to much trouble," I whisper and he nods. "You either, Swift." I nod and stare at him awkwardly. 

This sounds totally selfish, but i'm in love with him and I know he loves me too. Why won't he tell me that? This is the perfect time. He just stares back awkwardly. And then he opens his mouth to say something, but no words escape. "So, see ya?" I ask awkwardly and he nods. "Uh, oh. Yeah, see ya." 

Leave it up to Harry and I to leave things that way.

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