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I open my door, and Harry walks over to the porch to greet me. "Well hello, Ms. Swift," He says with that charming smile of his. I can't help but smile also. "Hello... To what do I owe this pleasure?" I ask, playing along with wherever this is going. His eyes stare into mine, smiling also.

"I have a proposition for you," he states. "Oh yeah? Well come inside, it's freezing out here," I say, opening my door wide as he steps into my home, kicking his wet boots off. "So.. proposition?" I ask, and he turns back to me. "Oh, yep! See, my family doesn't know that we're not a real couple. They think that we're in love and actually in a relationship. I refuse to tell them that this is all for public relations because it would pretty much break my mom's heart, she's a huge fan of you. And quite frankly my family has huge ass mouth's and they'll tell cousins who will tell friends who will tell media. So anyway, my family kind of wants to meet you as... my girlfriend," he says. I raise my eyebrows. "So now we're lying to your family? Don't they live in London, anyway?" I ask, crossing my arms. He smiles. "Yes! That's why I brought you these lovely roses," he says, handing me the bouquet. "I know the last thing you want to do is fly to London with me, but my family really wants to meet you and if I don't make it happened, well.. they'll get super mad, I guess. Just think about it, okay? You can stay at my flat for a few days and we can do sight seeing and-" he rambles, but I cut him off. "I'll go, Harry. But we're not a thing, remember? Publicity," I say, awkwardly holding the beautiful bouquet of flowers he previously handed to me.

He smiles and nods. "You're the best, thank you so much," he says and before I know it, his arms are around me, hugging me as tight as possible. "You're welcome, Harry," I say, hugging him back.

"But don't you think it'll be weird.. us staying together in your house.. alone? I mean, i'll just stay at a hotel," I say after a moment, and he sighs, scratching his head. "I considered that, but the paps would realize that you aren't staying with me and our cover would be blown," he explains, and I just nod. Well this will be fun, Harry and I alone sleeping in a house together. 


I wake up to my alarm. Groaning, I roll out of bed to shut it off. 6:30 am, it read. Great, just great.

I quickly shower and throw on a casual black dress and leave my hair down. I put on some eye liner and mascara, and run downstairs for breakfast. 

Today is the day i'm flying to London with Harry Styles. Honestly, I have mixed emotions about it. On one end i'm so beyond happy to be visiting London again, especially with Harry. We've become well acquainted  over the past few weeks, and it shouldn't be as terrible as I originally thought. On the other end, I have this bad feeling about this whole thing. The guy scares me to death. He's dangerous and thrilling yet romantic and sweet and everything i've ever wanted. I guess i'm just nervous to see how this love affair plays out.


Once I arrive at the private jet, Harry is already there waiting, his car surrounded by hundreds of paps. 

I step out of my car and he steps out of his, our security guards carrying our bags to the plane for us. When he sees me, his eyes light up and a smile forms on his lips. And for a few seconds, I pretend like it's not just because the cameras are watching.

Harry takes my hand once we meet. "Hey, you ready?" He whispers. I smile and nod. "More than ready," I whisper back, squeezing his hand, and I follow him onto the plane. 

It's a relatively long plane ride from Nashville to London, roughly 10-11 hours. Harry makes it more interesting. He tells funny jokes that aren't so funny, more like lame, but I manage to crack up every time. We fall asleep on each other's shoulders, we watch movies and we play childish games that would never be any fun if I weren't playing with him. He makes everything better when he's with me. 

Once we land, we take a car straight to Harry's flat. "So, dinner with my Mum and the family tomorrow night. Is that alright with you, love?" He asks as he carries my bags up to my guest room for me. "Yeah, that's fine," I say with a yawn. You would think that traveling around the world as much as I do, I would be immune to jet lag? Well, that's not the case.

He puts the bags down on the floor and smiles at me. "All settled," he says, and I smile. "Thank you, Harry.. for everything," I say, and he shakes his head. "No, thank you for even agreeing to come with me. You had every reason to refuse, but even after everything I said to you the other day.. everything about Barbara Palvin, you came. I don't deserve you, Tay," he says and I faintly smile, walking closer to him. "Too bad you're stuck with me," I say back and he pulls me in for a hug.

"Sleep with me tonight," he whispers in my ear as he holds me. I look up at him, my head against his chest. "Come sleep in my bed with me," he repeats softly. "Harry.. we agreed we aren't a thing," I fight, stepping back but he takes his fingers in mine and pulls me closer, our faces inches apart. "I've been thinking about this 'arrangement' we've made, but we're both young and single and good looking! Let's have fun with it, yeah?" I can't say no, not to Harry.

"Okay," is all I seem to mumble, and he takes my hand and leads me to his room.

I change into a flowy crop top and shorts. Once I leave the bathroom, a shirtless Harry is standing in the middle of his room with just boxer briefs on, which look absolutely sexy on him. "It's not weird if I wear this.. right?" He asks, and I look at him from head to toe. "No problem here," I say with a giggle and he chuckles.

"Alright, as long as you approve. Now come on and get in the damn bed."

I slip under the covers next to Harry's warm body. We face each other, his face is only lit by the moonlight peering through the blinds. We lie there, staring at each other in silence for a while. But I don't mind, because I get lost in his green eyes. 

"Goodnight, love," Harry mumbles, and I smile.

"Goodnight, Harry."

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