xvi| making his way downtown walking fast-

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Jisung was so excited to go back to school that he didn't get any sleep

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Jisung was so excited to go back to school that he didn't get any sleep. This resulted in him almost being late because he nearly fell asleep while eating breakfast. So there he was making his way downtown, walking fast -
''Ohmygod, that's Minho-''
Walking faster.

Lee Minho was walking on the other side of the road but rather than giving off a scary vibe - the creepiest, Jisung thought - he looked peacefully. His lips were curled into a small smile whilst his head was bopping to music. Jisung had never seen the older look like that. He wanted to know the reason of his happiness.

Jisung continued staring, not noticing the street light right in front of him. A loud thump was heard as the young boy slammed his head against the pole. He stumbled back and fell on his butt a soft ''ah'' leaving his mouth.

"Oh my god, are you okay?", someone asked Jisung.

꧁jisung and i are team clumsy TT and ohmygod, i have my german final tomorrow,,꧂

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