xxxiv || don't leave me

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During the next days, Jisung was left alone

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During the next days, Jisung was left alone. Minho was too busy to hang out and so were the rest of his friends. It made Jisung want to leave Earth and become the king of Mars. (if you get the reference, let's be friends) When he went to his mum to complain about it, she told him not to worry and added, that she also was really busy at the moment.
''Even my mum has no time for me..'', he mumbled as he walked towards his classroom. Just as he was about to dive into his thoughts, again, someone bumped into him. Jisung quickly looked at the Person and smiled, when he saw that it was Minho. ''Hey Mi-'', he couldn't finish his sentence though, because Minho quickly walked past him and down the hallway. ''-nho..a-alright..''

Class was boring for our protagonist. Mathematics was the worst subject and his teacher talked as if he was talking to four year olds. Jisung hated it, he wasn't a little kid. And to make it worse; the seat next to Jisung was empty. He had no one to talk to, to get this lesson over with a bit more easy. An annoyed groan left his lips a second before he slammed his head on the small desk in front of him.

"God you're stupid, Sung", his best friend mumbled as he treated Jisung's forehead with ice. The older flinched every time the cold hit his bruised skin. "Sorry..", his voice was a bare whisper. Felix sighed, his fingers playing with Jisung's hair. "I worry about you sometimes, Ji"

The next words of Jisung left Felix quite surprised, but he knew how much it probably hurt the older. "Why would you have been ignoring me for the past days- everyone has been ignoring me! I just..did I do something wrong..? Minho doesn't even look at me anymore..", everything he had in his mind for the past days came flowing out, leaking everywhere in the room. Felix wanted to say something but was interrupted by Jisung's soft sobs. He quickly hugged his best friend, whispering sweet nothings to help calm him down.
"Sungie, I promise you did nothing wrong. We're just..all working on something..?", the Australian said, not too sure if he sounded believable. Jisung sniffled and looked at him. "What are you guys working on? Why aren't you telling me?", he asked as his voice broke yet again.
Felix couldn't hold back anymore and just babbled out  the secret they all kept from Jisung. "We're throwing you a birthday party and I wasn't supposed to tell you this but now I did- Oh god your boyfriend is going to kill me.." Jisung's eyes widened as he forgot how to breathe for a second. He himself had totally forgotten that his birthday was the next day. "Did- Did Minho plan this?", he then asked excitedly. His best friend nodded quickly, now just as excited as Jisung.

"Chan and Minho did it together- Oh and your mum!! She's helping with the location and the decorations and stuff..please don't tell them I told you"

The next day came quickly with Jisung not being able to sleep and Felix worrying that their plan might not work. At breakfast Jisung greeted his mother warmly before collecting his birthday kisses from her. "God I can't believe you're growing up this're still my small baby!!", had Solji complained. Her son just tried to get to school as fast as possible, waving her a goodbye before making his way to the house of hell.
There he met up with Felix who had the same classes as him that day. "Felix!! Hi~", Jisung yelled as soon as he saw the taller. Today he didn't care whether people stared or not, he was way too excited.
Felix giggled, just as excited as him, and quickly hugged him. "Happy Birthday Quokka~ Did you sleep well?" He was met with disagreement. But Felix didn't expect the answer to be any different from that. The two walked to their classroom, while talking about Jisung's possible gifts. A few of his classmates congratulated Jisung on the way, inter alia Hyunjin and Seungmin.

After their incredible long day of classes, Jisung complained non-stop while Felix had the time of his life listening to him, the two walked back to Jisung's. On their way there, they went over the plan once again. "Okay, so when you walk in, there will be your mum, asking you to get something from your basement. There are the others, waiting for you. So what are you going to do?", Felix asked.
"I will act as if I had no clue what's happening! They'll never find out that you told me, I'm an amazing actor.", his words were overflowing with confidence which made Felix feel a bit better. "Alright, then let's do this"

Solji smiled brightly as she opened the door to see her son and his best friend. "Come in you two", she stepped aside and then closed the door again, when they were inside. As they were walking towards their living room, Solji gasped. "Jisung, baby, would you be so nice and get a new Lan cable from our basement? The one you currently have broke, remember?"
Jisung nodded, knowing what was going on, and went towards their basement door. The door was quickly opened, after shortly waiting for Felix to catch up, and the two walked downstairs together. It was way too dark for Jisung's liking but he knew what was waiting for him.

"God, where is that stupid light switch..", Jisung mumbled as he stumbled through the dark. His best friend giggled and hit him with his elbow. "If you can't find it, I'll gladly be your light switch" (I had to ask a friend for this joke, help) Jisung chuckled and hit him softly. "Shut up, Lix..ah- it should be there"
His hand reached out to turn the light on but instead of a cold wall he felt something warm. Not even a second later did he scream loudly and jump back to hide behind Felix. "I- I touched something, Lix"
And that something laughed. Seconds later, the light was turned on by that someone, poeple started singing around him. Right, the Party. Jisung gasped and did his best to act as if he didn't know what was happening. After they finished singing Happy Birthday, Minho walked towards Jisung. ''Happy Birthday, Baby~'', he smiled brightly as he hugged his boyfriend, ''I love you''
Jisung giggled and pecked the older's lips before turning to the rest of his friends.
''Wow!! I didn't know you guys planned this, what a surprise! God you really got me there, huh'', Jisung said, his voice telling everyone that he definitely knew about this.
''Felix told you, huh?'', Changbin asked. Said boy chuckled nervously as he looked away. ''I-I definitely did not tell him..'' The two started playfully fighting whether Changbin would've done the same or not while Jisung focused his attention on Minho again.
The younger smiled at his boyfriend. ''I love you too, Minho'', he returned, ''Thank you for all of this. Even though I knew, I'm just happy that I didn't do anything wrong that made you be distant..''
Minho quickly hugged him again, tighter this time. ''I'm sorry, Baby..I was so busy with planning all of this, to make it perfect that I completely ignored you. This wasn't my Intention, please don't be mad at me'', he looked at his boyfriend with puppy eyes, something he never did. The younger giggled as he pecked Minho's lips.
''Don't worry, I'm not mad. Unless you didn't get me a present..'', he trailed off, ''No, just kidding. I couldn't be mad at you for something like this could I?''
Minho wanted to say something but was interrupted when Hyunjin yelled to open the alcohol. He knew this night wouldn't end well with everyone drinking so much, but it was fun so who cares? Do you care, reader?

꧁happy birthday to my absolute favorite boy ever ♡'・ᴗ・'♡

tiny little baby(⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃ how is everyone doing? what are your thoughts on their comeback? i absolutely loved it!! they never fail to shock me x3felix's birthday is soon but i won't be writing an extra chapter for him, because they're partying t...

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tiny little baby(⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃ how is everyone doing? what are your thoughts on their comeback? i absolutely loved it!! they never fail to shock me x3
felix's birthday is soon but i won't be writing an extra chapter for him, because they're partying the night into lixie's birthday, yk? yea, anyway, stay safe💞꧂

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