xxvii | now or never

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Tuesday was just as boring for Jisung

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Tuesday was just as boring for Jisung. Felix and him didn't have any classes together and he wasn't able to see Minho once. He basically just sat in class, nearly fell asleep and then repeated it in the next class. And Jisung thought that the whole week would be like this until he found a new letter in his locker on Wednesday.

hey cutie. i'm
really sorry that
i'm too much of
a coward to
tell you in person
how much i love you

The overwhelming feeling, often referred to as 'butterflies', grew more and more in his stomach as he read the words over and over again. "i love you"
Did Jisung feel the same? He didn't even know what love exactly was. And even if he loved 'lm' he didn't know who that person was. Jisung was scared to do something wrong and end up with a broken heart. The oblivious boy was confused and overwhelmed with the current situation and decided to just let time do its thing.

Lee Minho however couldn't wait anymore. He had never been this nervous before, his hands were shaking and his legs were wobbly as he approached Jisung's locker. "Today's the day, Minho. You can do this..just- just tell him how you feel", he mumbled to himself in order to gain the needed braveness and strength for confessing. A small smile grew on his face when he saw his crush standing there. "He's reading my letter", Minho realized. Before he knew it Minho stopped walking and just looked at Jisung. The way some blue hair strands fell into his face and his lips formed a ethereal smile - Minho loved it. There was nothing that he loved as much as the cute smiles Jisung has. Why was he even able to see Jisung's smile? Just now he stood behind Jisung so how could he see it-

"I-is something wrong, Minho?", the smaller asked as he looked at him. The latter froze and stared at Jisung with wide eyes. He didn't know what to say suddenly everything was too real and too fast but at the same time he felt like everything was in slow motion. He asked himself, why it was so hard to say something. Minho didn't know whether it was the nervousness of asking him out or the fact that Jisung just smiled at him. "You have a beautiful smile", he blurted out accidentally.
Jisung started blushing like crazy and smiled even more. "Thank you, Minho..I really like yours too!! Oh- Yeah you barely smile..but when you do it's pretty! Oh my god I'm so sorry- I don't know what I'm saying.. I should head back to class now- Yeah"
Before Minho knew what he was doing he had grabbed Jisung's hand to hold him back. "No! I mean- Uh..can we talk?", he hated himself for sounding so rude but Minho couldn't live without telling him anymore. The younger looked at him in shock but nodded nevertheless. Jisung was kind of scared, if he was being honest. Why would Minho want to talk to him? Did he do something wrong?

"Minho, where are we going..?", Jisung asked the older as they were walking up the stairs of their old school. He was confused as to why Minho didn't talk to him where they just stood but rather insisted on going somewhere else.
Minho sighed and continued walking. "The rooftop, Jisung. It's more private there", he then said. It wasn't like he didn't understand the Korean's confusion, anyone would be confused in this situation, but Minho just wanted to get there quickly and Jisung's questions aren't helping either of them. The younger shut up and nodded, walking right behind Minho.
When they finally arrived on the rooftop, Jisung quietly looked at the older. He waited for him to finally say something.
Meanwhile Minho was dying inside. He was way too nervous for someone like him. "Jisung, what I'm about to say is something really important for me and that's why I wanted to be in private..", he started,"And I also have no idea how you'll react so..I'd rather not embarrass myself even more."
Minho took a deep breath before looking Jisung straight in the eyes. "I like you- Like like. I'm crushing on you- I maybe even love you. You're the cutest person I've ever seen and you're genuinely so amazing. Will you be my boyfriend?"

Jisung's eyes widened in shock as he realized what Minho said. "You- You like me?"
The older nodded but stayed silent. He didn't want to make any mistakes.
"Minho- Oh my god, I'm so sorry but..", Jisung was a blushing mess by now, "I already like someone else"

꧁longer chapter this time!! do you guys ever cry over 3racha and/or jisung or am i weird? anyways look at these two )):

꧁longer chapter this time!! do you guys ever cry over 3racha and/or jisung or am i weird? anyways look at these two )):

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and always remember: you're enough and i'm absolutely proud of how far you've come!!💞💞꧂

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