xvii| don't stress yourself

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The boy looked up to see a older woman worryingly looking at him

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The boy looked up to see a older woman worryingly looking at him. Oh god he was so embarrassed.
"I-I'm okay, Ma'am, sorry!!"

He quickly got up and smiled at her. The woman nodded and walked away again. Jisung sighed and buried his face in his hands.
How embarrassing
That was the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to him.
What if Minho saw him? Why was it so important to Jisung to not do something weird or embarrassing in front of Minho?

He didn't quite understand it. Maybe he just didn't want the bad boy to think even worse of him.
Maybe there was more to it. Jisung didn't have to stress himself.

꧁daily reminder: stay hydrated and don't stress yourself too much!!❤︎ ayy i'm done with my first final exam!! only maths and english are left(๑>◡<๑)꧂

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