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Time stopped as Minho looked at Jisung in shock

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Time stopped as Minho looked at Jisung in shock. He likes someone else. Minho felt pathetic, he should've known better. The older stumbled backwards while quietly laughing at himself. Who would like him?
A strong wind breeze hit the two students who didn't seem to notice it.
''I'm sorry, Minho-'', Jisung started but he was interrupted by Minho, who started walking away from him. He shrugged and opened the door to the staircase again. ''Don't worry about it, Jisung. You should hurry, you're missing your class.''

By Friday Minho had decided to never leave his room again. His friends were concerned, of course, but none of them were able to get through to him nor were they able to even talk to the second oldest. Bang Chan knew that it had to do something with Jisung but he couldn't figure out what. Minho wasn't physically wounded so it was definitely an emotional thing but he couldn't connect the two dots.
That was until his boyfriend connected them. The younger ran to Minho's room and started banging on his door, yelling at him to open it. And when Minho did it, he hugged him.
"You really like him, don't you, Minho?", Jeongin had whispered. Lee Minho teared up and nodded weakly. "I love him so much, Jeongin"

Han Jisung was a mess. He couldn't eat or sleep because his guilt was eating him alive. Every day he thought of how much he had hurt Minho and even though it wasn't his fault considering he can't control feelings he still felt so guilty. As the days passed, Jisung's state got worse and worse. Felix tried to help him as much as possible but only one person could've been able to help the squirrel. Because the personal worst thing for Jisung was, that the letters stopped.

꧁i'm sorry this took me so long!! stream god's menu and help them to get their deserved win guys💞꧂

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