xxvi | as if it's your last

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The week flew by faster than Jisung wanted and suddenly it was Monday again

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The week flew by faster than Jisung wanted and suddenly it was Monday again. Who even liked Mondays? Jisung definitely did not. He was thrown back into the harsh reality of today's society and was met with difficulties that he didn't have to face the two days prior. While walking to his school he saw many people he'd rather not see like Jinyoung and his group. They weren't really bad guys like Minho and his group but they were bullies. And Jisung used to be one of their victims, one year ago.

The bullying suddenly stopped one day though. To this day Jisung had no idea why it stopped but he wasn't complaining. Now he at least can go to school without fearing for his health but it was still weird to him. The group wouldn't even look at him anymore and would always ignore his existence. Jisung liked it.
But Jisung was also absolutely oblivious to his surroundings. He never noticed someone staring at Jinyoung so he wouldn't make a move and also never noticed someone watching him from afar to make sure he's alright. Not to mention someone putting letters inside his locker.
A loud sigh left his pinkish lips as he sat down at his table. "Mondays, huh?", his seat mate asked him. Jisung nodded and looked at him, smiling.
"I hate them", he said after a few seconds. Hyeongjun laughed and shook his head. "They're not that bad. At least I don't have to sit next to some weirdo."
The other laughed and hit the younger's arm softly. "Thanks, Hyeongjun"

Mondays were something Minho used to hate but now he really liked them. And all this because he was thrown back into the beautiful reality of today's society that involved nothing but Jisung for him. Also a bonus was that he was able to escape the horror at home and outside school. He definitely preferred listening to the boring lessons of his stupid teachers over the constant screaming at home. And who wouldn't love being able to see Jisung every day? Minho hated admitting it but he had never loved anyone as much as the squirrel. The way he talked, walked and smiled made Minho happier than anything else and one day he would finally be able to confess.

꧁how's everyone doing? today i'm sleeping at my girlfriend's house!! i missed her a lot :((꧂

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