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Jisung giggled as he jumped around on the dead leaves that crumbled beneath his feet

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Jisung giggled as he jumped around on the dead leaves that crumbled beneath his feet. Since he was a kid he has loved the sound of crunchy leaves in autumn, it calmed him. His boyfriend watched him play with a soft smile on his face and little pink hearts in his sparkling eyes. "God I love him"

Changbin widened his eyes and looked at his friend in shock. "Like- genuinely?? I thought you guys just like each other- Woah, Minho you've grown a lot", the smaller said with a proud smile decorating his dry lips. He didn't drink enough water again, Minho noticed.
"Yeah I..I really love this boy. I just hope this'll last longer than other high school romances"

Changbin frowned at that statement.
"I don't think this is just a cliché high school romance, Minho. Neither is it with me and Felix or Hyunjin and Seungmin. Personally i think I've found the one, or at least one of them"
His eyes fell on his boyfriend who had joined Jisung in playing with the orangish leaves.

"What do you mean with 'one of them'?", Minho asked curiously.

"I..don't know. I feel like there's someone missing in our relationship but then again, I don't know sh!t about fxck"

Soft yawns could be heard as Minho carried Jisung home in his arms. The other two had already left an hour ago but Jisung begged Minho to stay longer so they could watch the stars. "I wuv chu..",
Jisung had mumbled while being half asleep.

"I love you too, Baby"

꧁and thus this fanfiction finally ends. i'm sorry for the horrible ending but my mental health has been absolutely the worst for the past weeks and i don't have any motivation to keep this fanfiction up. but i wrote a binsung one that i actually finished and will upload soon :> thank you all for sticking with me and especially thank you for understanding my problems. see you- or never♡︎꧂

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