xxxv | pink bubblegum

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When Jisung woke up on the day after the party, his head was pounding. He could barely remember what happened on his birthday, other than clinging onto his boyfriend to 'make up the time wasted on planning that amazing party', or something along these lines. Automatically his eyes started scanning the room because he still had no idea where he was or why he was there. It turned out to be his bedroom and the sack of slumped meat next to him turned out to be his, incredibly cute when sleeping, boyfriend. Jisung decided to wake him up, whispering to avoid making his headache worse.
"Minho..wake up"

The other let out a sound that reminded Han of a baby kitten, but it was a bit more Minho-like. Weird. Jisung shook his head and tried again, this time talking a bit louder, but Minho yet again only let out a cat-like noise. And even though Jisung would never admit it, he thought it was incredibly adorable. People often say that pets resembles their owner but Jisung was sure that it was the other way around with Minho and his cats. He giggled at his thought but quickly stopped when it triggered his headache again. A soft sigh left Jisung's lip but he decided to let it go and just leave without waking his boyfriend. He quickly got up from his bed and walked towards his bedroom door; however, he didn't get far because before he knew what was happening he landed face first on his floor (Lucky for him, his floor was covered in a soft pink carpet, though it still hurt a lot). A loud yelp came out of his mouth followed by a big whine when his face hit the carpet.

Minho woke up in a state of pure shock and his eyes quickly scanned the room for Jisung. When he found his boyfriend on the floor he got up in a new world record and then kneeled beside him. "Baby? Are you okay?", he had asked with worry dripping from his tongue. Even though Minho's head was screaming at him to make the pain stop, to take away the pounding he was suffering from, he focused on Jisung's situation. He was important to him.
"I.. I'm okay.", Jisung started, slowly sitting up, "I just lost my vision for a second, I'm sorry" His boyfriend blinked confused. "Why are you apologizing?"
The younger just shrugged.

When they went downstairs, they found the rest of their friends sleeping peacefully on either the big leathered couch or the big red carpet that decorated the hard wooden floor underneath. Jisung couldn't even tell who was sleeping where as they all looked like a big mess, that most likely suffered from the aftermath of their excessive drinking. He couldn't help but giggle at the boys who he called his friends (Even though he still was kind of intimidated by Minho's friends).
Suddenly his headache started spiking again, so he excused himself and headed towards his kitchen where he took a painkiller. Just then his grinning mum walked in.
''Headache?'', she asked, fully aware of her son's suffering. Maybe Solji enjoyed this too much but she waited so long for this moment to arrive, she just had to tease Jisung a bit.
The boy nodded, drinking his glass of water as fast as possible. Once he finished it (Solji was sure she just saw her son creating a new world record), he asked his mum to help him make breakfast for everyone. And so they did.

After they had finished making breakfast and sat the table, Jisung went and woke everyone up. (Felix complained a lot but when Jisung threatened to delete his Riot Account he went quiet and got up, though Jisung could've sworn he heard Felix mumble a "Annoying Bronze hardstuck")
Jisung decided to look at all the boys sitting in the room. At the table the couples (to no one's surprise Changbin and Felix had gotten together a day prior to Jisung's birthday) sat together, meaning Jisung sat next to Minho who sat next to Changbin. He sat next to Felix and next to Felix was Seungmin with Hyunjin (If Jisung had to be honest, he was still scared of Seungmin) and next to the two sat Chan with his boyfriend. Solji had decided to leave the boys alone and went out with a friend of hers, though her son was sure she was going out with Minho's dad to catch up on all the years they didn't talk. How did we end up here, Jisung asked himself. Their friend groups were so different and yet they shared something- Jisung just couldn't figure out what it was.
"Baby could you stop thinking so much? I'm trying to be cheesy here", Minho's words ripped him out of his train of thoughts. He looked at his boyfriend who was pouting, shocking Chan and Changbin. "Sungie is everything alright? Am I not important enough to have you listen to me?" The older's pout only grew as Jisung tried to collect himself.
When he finally did, he sent him a small smile and said ''Sorry, you big baby. What did you say? I was thinking about how much I love your annoying face~''
Minho giggled at his boyfriend and continued eating. ''I love you, too Squirrel. Now gimme gimme love~'' A chuckle left Jisung's lips before he shook his head.
''Joji? Really?'' The older just nodded as his mouth was already stuffed with food again.

As Solji opened her house's entrance door she was hit with the force of two human bodies. (Luckily the bodies were definitely alive and not physically hurt in any way) "Mom!! Minho asked me out on a date! And Felix and Changbin will come with us because it's Lix's birthday!!", Jisung yelled with the happiest smile known to man. His mom patted his head, smiling softly as she always did.
"That sounds great darling, do you need anything? Clothes, Money?"

꧁i look pretty good for a dead b**ch x3

IM SO SORRY I DISAPPEARED FOR TWO MONTHS DVEJVFLAG my mental health was brrr and i had no motivation to write at all >

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IM SO SORRY I DISAPPEARED FOR TWO MONTHS DVEJVFLAG my mental health was brrr and i had no motivation to write at all >.< anyway i'm sometimes streaming on twitch!! [spookyanova] and uhm..i would love for you guys to call me nova🥺 it's just a name for my online persona but i feel so comfortable with it꧂

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