xix| pretty boy

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Lee Minho smiled as he watched his confused crush looking around in the classroom

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Lee Minho smiled as he watched his confused crush looking around in the classroom. He enjoyed this little mind game way too much. Crushing on Han Jisung was something, Minho thought he would never ever do. All in all he never fell in love nor crushed on someone. Plus, Jisung was way too soft, not a bad guy like Minho and his friends. Such a cute, tiny boy with a heart of glass and wings of white, fine silk. He looked like anything could shatter him at any moment and this made Minho want to protect him. Even when he saw him walking in a pole, he felt the urge to run there and kiss him better. He stopped himself though because he didn't want Jisung to know yet. Yes, Lee Minho was scared.

''Jisung did you notice?'', Felix asked him at lunch. The older boy looked at him with full cheeks and a confused look on his face.
''No?'', Jisung answered truthfully.

''Minho was staring at you today'', the freckled boy said. ''Like in History just now''
Jisungs face turned a deep shade of red as he choked on his food.

''The Lee Minho? Oh my god, Felix he's definitely killing me soon'' He cried out after swallowing his food.
''Well maybe he just thinks you're pretty.'', the other suggested, which only made Jisung's face heat up more. ''You know, Seungmin is Hyunjin's boyfriend and Hyunjin is friends with Minho, right? We could always ask the little devil''

''Why would he know? Apparrently Minho doesn't talk about stuff with Hyunjin or like- anyone. I think the only one that knows something about him is Chan''

"Well I won't talk to Chan, he's scary..", Felix admitted, looking down at his food.

꧁How's everyone doing? I just had my second final exam! Now only english is left hehe uwu And tomorrow i'll dye my hair blond again♡'・ᴗ・'♡ Btw my DMs are always open <3꧂

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