xxix | another day

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It was the last week of school when Minho showed up again

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It was the last week of school when Minho showed up again. He looked absolutely horrible that Monday. But Jisung didn't look any better. Both boys were obviously hurting but people preferred to not talk to Lee Minho and Han Jisung wasn't really famous or anything. They just didn't care about him.

However Lee Felix did care. The Australian was hurting just as much as his best friend and he couldn't handle that anymore. After their maths class, the empathetic boy quickly pulled Jisung out of the room and went to the next empty room.
"Jisung..", he started with a shaky voice,"You need to stop this. I can't watch you destroy yourself because of someone you don't know and someone that you don't have feelings for. You can't control other people's feelings!! And you shouldn't feel bad for not also liking them. Yes okay, you really liked lm but have you ever considered that maybe this person is just someone who played you? I'm really, really worried about you Sungie, you're my best friend and I refuse to keep watching this"

The other sighed as he stared at his shaky fingers. "I just..you know really liked him, Felix."

"I know, Jisung. But it's not healthy what you're doing.."

Jisung started crying, just like the days before. His body was trembling and broke down in Felix's arms, who caught him quickly. No one else was on the rooftop so it didn't matter how ugly he was crying. Or so they thought.
The two were standing there for ten minutes when suddenly someone pulled them away from each other. Felix loudly protested and was ready to throw hands but quickly stopped when he realized who it was.

Jisung looked at the others with big eyes. "Jeongin, Chan? What are you two doing here?", he asked with a timid voice.
"We just had to find you and give you some letters..i think", Jeongin answered his question while Chan pulled out small letters and handed them Jisung.
"Mi- 'LM' told us to give them to you, or something. And they wanted to apologize for not writing you", the oldest said, hiding his small mistake.

꧁this took forever for literally no reason at all, i'm so sorry- oh and i changed my username(๑>◡<๑)꧂

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