Chapter 1

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"Hey you may wonder who I am right well let me tell you all something about what's going on here. I live with my mother on D'Qar she is the general of the resistance so that means I am Aria Solo my parents broke up after what happened to my brother Ben. I miss him dearly I wonder how life would have been if he was still here. Maybe he would fight the first order as the best Jedi ever! My father left D'Qar together with Chewy he is back with smuggling. I am force sensitive I didn't go to the Jedi Academy of my uncle because I was too young. But I am more like my father I love to fly I have a great teacher his name is Poe Dameron he is the best pilot of the resistance and he feels like a brother for me. Soon my mother and Poe let me go with them I'm so happy to become a resistance pilot, I won't let them down I assure you that! We have a lot of droids here in the base we have C-3PO he is an old one but don't tell him I said that
we have also R2-D2. He and C-3PO fought in the Clone War together with Ben Kenobi and my grandfather Anakin Skywalker. Then we have everyones favorite BB-8 he is Poe's droid but like I said everyone loves this adorable droid. mother told ben and me about her adventures with Uncle Luke, Father and chewy. Our grandfather is also known as Darth Vader. My brother was a great fan of our grandfather sadly I miss my brother so much the last time I saw him was when he left to the Jedi Academy of Uncle Luke I heard every youngling was killed by someone of the Dark side I was counting the days till my brother came back but he never did. Father and mother told me my brother is death and will never come back. But something inside of me is saying something else that my brother is till there. Is it just a feeling because I miss him or is it the Force that's telling me the truth? I have to make this short and I'll will talk to you all soon.
Much love Aria Solo"

And she closed her holo pad. She uses it as a video diary. She was in her room sitting on her bed curled up while she was sobbing.

"Aria.... We need u at the X-wing's!"

She heard Poe yell for her. She dried her tears quickly and walked out of her room to where the X-wings where. Her eyes where still red of crying.

"Hey Poe... Training is tomorrow right...?"

She asked him.

"yeah but the first order wants the map to your uncle Luke. We know someone in Jakku who probably has the map. We need every pilot of the resistance with us including you Aria!"

I know you can do this you're trained by the best after all"

Her mother said to her daughter. Aria smiled at her mother and goes into her x-wing. Everyone of Poe's team was happy to get her in the team.

"you ready to go?"

Poe asked her trough the intercom of the X-wings

"i am ready to go!"

She answered him and took off with the others to Jakku.

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