Chapter 3

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We arrived at Starkiller base. Before we were put in different cells. We both were knocked out. Some minutes later I woke up with a slight pain in my head. It took a while for me to realize i'm chained into a chair and was a prisoner of the first order. She could hear Poe screaming out of pain. So I wanted  to escape but I knew it wouldn't help. The screaming stopped and heard someone leaving.

" I have what I need get that droid! Get rid of the pilot I only need to ask some questions to the girl."

He said while opening the door of the room where I was held. He just stood there and didn't talked so I didn't talked too and just looked at him. After a while I broke the silence.

"You going to say something so not then just leave. I think you have already what you wanted the information where the map is"

I said with a raised eyebrow. He simply just looked at me and walked closer to me while holding the blaster he made me drop.

"Who are you?"

He said with a his and looked from the blaster to me again.

"My name is Joana Dameron"

I laid, I wanted to see if he would believe what I was telling him. But unfortunately he didn't believe a word what I said.

"Your Lying! we can do it the hard way or the easy way. Your choise!"

He said with an angry tone in his voice. I  just looked at him with a smirk.

"Of course it's my choice. So tell me what's the hard way?"

I asked him sarcastically. On his face to see he was already annoyed by me. But we where both quite again and something in me is telling I know Kylo, but I just don't know where I know him from. I never saw him only heard of him.

He still whores his helmet. I just keep quiet and looked at him.

"why would I tell it to a voice-changing mask while I can tell it to the person in front of me without mask?"

I said, but surprisingly i heard a click sound. he put off his helmet and looked at me deathly. I gasped and tears started to fall. I saw my brother in front of me. I thought he was death.

"B...Ben? You... still alive?"

I asked while stuttering on my words.


He screamed at me. While i just looked at him tears started to fall but also there was anger boiling in me. He just looked at me. 

He just  really didn't know how that girl new his previous name.

"i'll ask you one time who are you?"

He said somewhat calmly. I didn't answered him and just looked blanked at him. He used the force to get trough my mind he looked shocked at me when he founds out who I was. I just looked at him with a slight smile.

"i'm your sister Ben.... It's me Aria..."

He put on his helmet and left the room without saying anything. I sigh and hoped to get my brother back I had a lot of questions about why my parents lied to me about Ben became Kylo Ren. Some minutes later a stormtrooper walked into the room where I was and undo me from the chair. He saw my blaster laying and took it. Kylo didn't took it with him. So the stormtrooper brought me to a big cell. I walked in and saw someone sitting there too so I wasn't alone in the cell. I couldn't made out who it was because it was to dark.

"Who is here?"

I asked while I was trying to find out who it was.


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Love you all ❤️

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