Chapter 15

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I stood with Phasma and Hux on the platform of the base. While Hux started his speech

"Today is the end of the republic! The end of a regime that acquiesces to this order! At this very moment in a system far from here the new republic lies to the galaxy, while secretly reporting the treachery of the loathsome resistance! This fierce machine which you have built upon which we stand, will bring an end to the senate! To their cherished fleet! All remaining systems will bow to the First Order! And will remember this as the last day of the republic!"

I saw all stormtroopers and tie fighter pilots raise their fist in the air, and heard Hux screaming something.


I knew what would come. It can destroy a lot of planets at ones in no time. I just only hope not the Resistance base. I can't bare that to happen.

I saw the beem of the machine getting launched. Every one looked at it while I stood next to Phasma, Hux walked to us and gave a slight smile.

"its impressive huh?"

He asked me and I just simply nod my head. I was lost for words, and continued to watch the beem.

"Lets go Krystal... We have to go inside back into the base."

Phasma informed me and I followed her. We walked back in and I felt something twitching in me.

"This isn't what I wanted... I can't just let this happen. Why did I follow my brother in this? I was so naive, this is not me! I am not a first order person."

I thought to myself and walked off to my room looking if I could find a communicator I had with me when Poe and I where on Jakku to get the map and with luck I found it and tried to communicate with my mother. When I tried, someone knocked on the metal door of my room. I quickly hid the communicator and opened the door I was greeted by Hux.

"Ah uhm I was wondering if you would like to join me and Phasma tonight? I mean you don't need to if you don't want or you have to train your *powes* of your brother, it's fine for me"

He spoke to me and I was stunned by his question. I looked at him and gave a slight smile.

"No I think it's a fun Idea!"

I said to him and I could see he had a bright smile. He was so hard and mean looking ago and now he is all kind and it was like nothing had happened.

"Wonderfull so we can know more from each other!"

He said excited, I gave a slight smile and nodded my head and spoke up.

"if it's okay I am going to freshen me up"

He still had a smile and nods his head now too.

"Ill be back in 2 hours if that's okay?"

He said and waited for my answer.

"Yeah sure see you then Hux"

I said and walked back in and closed my door not knowing anymore what to do.

"What do I have to do now, I have to make contact with the Resistance. But... Somehow I want to stay here I don't know why, I miss Poe and my mom God knows where my father is! I miss him too."

So I went to the shower to get a quick hot shower and put on some comfortable clothes like a Black legging and a Black turtle neck sweater since it's cold in here. I dried my hear and put it in a loose bun then I heard a knock again I signed and knew Hux was there so I went to the steel door and let open the door.

"hey Hux-"

I saw it wasn't him and someone else stood in front of me.


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