Chapter 16

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"Hux? Why did you thought of him?"

I saw my brother in front of me without his helmet and I signed.

"well me, Hux and Phasma where going to have dinner together and talk about some stuff, glad your back btw"

I said to him and he scoffs at me and pushed himself into my room.

"You and Hux? Do you guys have something? I mean, if so I won't let that happen!"

He almost treated me and pointed his gloved finger at me.

"Hey relax he meant it friendly! We just want to know each other and you can't tell me what to do or not!"

I said to him a bit angered. He looked at me and lowered his hand and looked more relaxed when I said it's just to know each other. Then he spoke up and talked about a Girl who has the force too that her name was Rey and so on he took her on Takodana.

"I Saw him..."

He said to me and I looked confused at him who did he meant.

"Han Solo... He was there with the traitor and the girl with the Millennium Falcon"

I looked at him shocked but a slight happiness took over me knowing my dad was still there and maybe would inform mother about the girl and send Resistance fighters.

"So... You mean the girl was with him?"

I asked him and he gave me a nod and gave a hurtful look. I could saw how broken he was and now he saw our father it broke him more.

"Snoke says he will come here... To get the girl... We can't let this happen Sister! We need to find that map to Luke. And destroy the Resistance"

I saw my broken brother turning again into the man Snoke made him I was hard broken and I was In a big dilemma if our father would come here for the girl will I help them or... Would I fight against them...? I don't know what to do.

"Sister did you heard what I said you seem distracted"

He spoke up and I looked at him and nodded my head and gave a slight smile

"Yeah yeah I heard you, what would you do when he is here?"

I asked him and looked at him. I saw him tense up at my question and he spoke up.

"I won't know, I really don't know. It's breaking me, I don't know if I have the strength to do it."

"Doing what? You mean by... Killing him?"

I asked with a worried tone and he looked at him and nodded his head.

"That's what Snoke wants me to do..., but I don't know if I can"

I hugged him and I really hoped he won't do it he might be the person who will turn him back to the light.

Then we heard another Male clearing his throat and I knew it was Hux.

"Uhmm ill let you two have a moment ill go"

Hux spoke and kylo looked at Hux then back at me and shook his head.

"no we where done for now, I'll see you tomorrow then?"

Kylo asked and left while I went to take some things with me and went to Hux and responded to my brother.

"I'll see you tomorrow, I am ready to go."

I said to Hux and we both walked to the high classed officers dinner room where Phasma was waiting for us and saw there where others to who I never met who I like to know better.



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