Chapter 17

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When we arrived there Phasma greeted us and smiles.

"Hello there, General and Second commander!"

She said in a joking tone while laughing on the end softly.

"Captain! How are you!"

I responded back to her as I laughed too Hux has a slight smile too and responded the same way like me. I sat next to Phasma. Hux and another one who's name is Mitaka sits in front of us. We talked and ate and we told about our self. I was lost with my thoughts for my father if he came what will I do betray Hux and Phasma bring my brother back? Or will I betray my parents, friends to stay with my brother and wipe out the resistance who are my family.

"Are you okey?"

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Hux and gave me a slight smile. I simply nodded my head that's when I heard the alarms going off. Phasma, Hux and Mitaka stood up.

"Resistance fighters are here!"

We all left the room we where in, phasma went to get her gear. Hux rushed to the bridge. while I went to my chamber I saw a girl with 3 buns in her hair sandy clothes I guess she is the girl my brother took her. I walked up to her. She had a stormtrooper blaster pointing at me, I raised my hands

"Its alright I am not one of them... I am from the resistance"

"I don't believe you! Why do you wear a first order suit than?"

She said to me I still had my hands in the air and I gave her a truthful smile.

"Who are you!?"

She demanded more than asked me.

"My name is Aria Solo, my father is Han Solo and my mother is Leia organa my brother is Ben Solo also known as... Kylo Ren..."

I said truthful she lowered her blaster and nods her head.

"I am Rey, can you help me to find the best way to leave?"

She asked me and I nodded my head. I am now sure that my heart say's to be the person who I am and that's a Solo not a Ren. When we wanted to go into an elevator the door opened and we where greeted by Finn, Chewie and my father.


Finn yelled in happiness. I could see he was overly fond of her. Then his gaze dropped to me and was also happy to see me and gave me a hug.

"Aria I am so glad your alright! Poe and I where terrified you would be death."

"Okey guys we do an reunion party when we are back at base, good to see you kid"

I could see he was happy to see me and I gave him a hug. I haven't seen my father in a long time since my brother was "gone" he surprisingly hugged back.

"I promised your mother to return home with whole the family including Ben"

When he said that I felt a tear roll down my cheeks and whipped it off. My father told me the plan he was going to do about bombing the inside of the base.

"i will help you and chewie, to place the bombs"

We placed them on the weak spots of the base. I could see Rey and finn waiting for us to get too the falcon. But then me and my dad saw my brother on the bridge of the place we where. I saw my dad walking behind him and I stopped my dad.

"let me do this..."

He nodded his head and placed a hand on my shoulder. Chewie gave me also a soft pad on my shoulder. I gave a weak smile at them and walked up to my brother.




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