Chapter 5

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Stormtroopers ran to me and grabbed my arm the same room where I was chained on the metal chair where I was first so they chained me again up and walked away.

"We only got the girl sir"

The stormtroopers said to a person and non other then Ben oh excuse me Kylo walked back into the room.

"So I presume the pilot and FN2187 escaped and going back for the droid?"

He asked me and I kept quite.

"what happened?"

That's the only thing I could say or ask him. I wanted answers about everything.

"What happened at The Jedi temple?"

I asked again anger started to form in me again. While he just looked at me back his helmet on like he entered the room.

"Why you care? I killed your brother Ben solo he is gone he was weak!"

The sound of the voice changer made me more angry.

"No... my brother is there somewhere!"

I screamed at him. Without noticing I used the force to break the chains because of the anger. I was not trained yet and I never used it. The only thing I use is the blaster I got from my father.

"apparently Aria your force-sensitive just as your weak brother"

He said while taking off his helmet. I look at him and tears started to fall I didn't want to show him I got the force. But I just show it off. I groan to my self.

"Aria I can show you how to use the force. Your parents lied to you, join me."

I couldn't made a sound or move I looked at him and anger was still boiling in me.

"i sense much anger in you, do you know where that leads you to it?"

I narrow my eyes at him and gulped I shook my head I wasn't thought about that at all how could I know?

"My dear Aria, your parents never let u train the force or give you any knowledge about it. Anger leads you to the dark side of the force"

I was still speechless at what he was telling me. My brother is standing in front of me. He asked me to join him, he is right I'm angry at my parents because they lied to me about him.

"Ben... I can't join you what about mother and father? They would be devastating I will make the same decision..."

I said to him, surprisingly he didn't yell at me this time to call him again by his real name.

"Aria, they lied to you they are keeping you hidden for me for the first order. Do you think they want you to learn the force? Your mother could easily learn you how to use the force. She is the reason you have it"

He said while I looked at him with shock. He held his hand out this time and asked me again to join him so he would learn me how to use the force.

"Aria I can show you the ways of the force, I can teach you how to use it. You probably don't have a lightsaber?"

He asked and I looked at him and shook my head at his question.

"no I don't have that"

I answered him, I was battling on my thoughts to join him or not. I'm stuck here anyway but I can escape. I know how to fly a ship and fly back to D'Qar. I don't know what to do right now. I looked at his gloved hand he held out for me to take it

"Ben i'm-"


Ooh snap shall she join him or not?

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