Chapter 18

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I saw my brother turn and looked at me and he had his helmet on. I stepped closer towards him and gave a slight smile.

"Why do you do this? I thought you where... With me... Not with them."

My brother said and I felt pain and sadness in him.

"Because Ben, they are family come home with me Ben. Mom misses you so much, Dad couldn't live without you. He loves you we all do Ben. Please come home..."

He stepped closer to me, I could feel the conflict in him. He knew I was speaking the truth.

"I want my brother back not Kylo Ren but Ben Solo. Please take off your mask"

I almost said in a weak voice while a tear slips down my cheeks. I heard the sound of air he took of his mask and dropped it next to him on the bridge.

"I know what to do but I don't know if I have the strength to do it"

He said to me he took his lightsaber and placed it in my hands. I took it and he let go of it, I held it in my right hand and I extended my left hand for him to take it.

"Let's go home to mom... she would be happy to see you again Ben."

He took my hand and placed his hand on my face. Tears where growing in both our eyes.

"You look so much like mom... Do you really think she wants to see me? I tried to wipe them all out even Mom and Dad...."

It broke me to hear that and I gulped softly and looked at him.

"Ben That wasn't you! It was Snoke who planted those thoughts in your head... He made you turn to us... Your my brother Ben, mother would love to see you to hug you and home feels like Family again."

I said to him, he gave a slight smile and I return the smile.

"we should leave, The resistance will come and blow it up! CHEWIE PUNCH IT!"

Our father ordered to leave, I knew Chewie would set off the bombs now I ran from the bridge to them together with my brother we made sure we were on time to leave when Finn and Rey arrived with the Falcon to pick us up. We saw Resistance fighters arrive and so did the Tie fighters, we tried to guide the tie fighters away from the few X-wing so they could destroy the weak spots of the base on the outside. While the bombs went of in the inside and the resistance fighters fired on all the spots we had to be quick to fly away from them because the base/planet was ready to explode. Me, Finn, and Ben we looked through the window and saw the explosion of Starkiller base. I looked at my brother I could see it was hard for him to go back home and I understand it hundred percent how he feels about this.

"Aria, Thank you... Without You I would have been still the the person I was on Starkiller... I am happy to go home but will people like it I am back... You said Mom will be and I know father is too."

Ben said and looked behind him at the cockpit where his father and Chewie where making the Falcon ready for the jump.

I looked at him and gave a slight smile.

"Of course it will be difficult for the others of your return, but they shall respect you like they respect me and the others."

I gave him a hug and rub his back.

"Everything will be going well, I assure you that. Me and mom will be there for you, we will help you to get back on the right path."

He looked at me and gave a slight smile and hold my hand. He wanted to say something but our father interrupted and said.

"we will be home soon buckle up everyone!"

I could hear he was beyond happy right now and that we are home again like the old family we where. We where now in hyper space and in a few minutes we will be home with mother while I see my best friend again Poe. God I missed him I grew a big smile while I thought of him.

"why that big grin? Thinking of someone special?"

Ben said and I nodded I told him about how happy I am to have him back and see Poe back even it was like a week I was gone. My brother wanted to say something about Poe but Finn came and told us we are at the Resistance base. We landed and everyone left the Felton, except me and Ben our father went before us. I could spot Poe and mom she had a concerned expression of hope written on her face. I could ask her something about us but father pointed towards us and I stepped out of the Falcon. Poe ran to me and gave the tightest hug ever, even though I like them a lot. We stepped away and mother gave me a hug and I gave her a smile I stepped back into the falcon and saw Ben being nervous I took his hand and led him to the exit of the Falcon. Everyone gasped no one thought he would come back I saw our mother in tears of happiness and ran into Ben's arms. Ben hugged her back and I saw a little smile on his face. Our father spoke up.

"we are a family again"

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