Chapter 14

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( at the same time as Chapter 13)

Aria's POV

I was training on the things my brother told me, before he left he asked me to concentrate on the force and repeat what I have learned the past day. I was already an hour training and every object around me float one meters in the air. I was soon disturbed by a stormtrooper

"General Hux wants you to come to meet him at his Office."

All the things that floated in the air fell on the ground I could sense he was scared to be here and I gave a smirk and walked to him.

"Can you lead me to the general?"

He nodded and guided me to Hux. I wonder why he needs me to come to him. As far as I know I have to be with Phasma in three hours. We arrived at his office and knocked on the door to wait for an answer.

"come in please"

I walked in and I saw a cat next to his desk where he was sitting and purred while I walked in.

"Ah second Commander please sit down."

I did I was told and sat down on the chair in front of him.

"General Why did you asked for me?"

I asked him and he gave a gentle smile and took out a paper and gave it to me.

"Whats that?"

I looked at it and started to read what was on it.

"its the speech for a few hours. I wanted to ask what you think of it? Can it better or is it good enough?"

I read it completely and told him he could change a sentence

"General if I may suggest I saw you wrote bow down I guess bow only is better, Like this. All remaining systems will bow to the First Order. Not bow down, and for the rest it's perfect General"

I told him him and he nodded his head. He gave a slight smile and wrote down what I just said.

"Thank you Second commander. It's indeed better."

I gave a slights smile back and shook my head.

"its nothing General."

"Just say Hux, don't need to call me by my title."

" please and call me Krystal, it's easier to say. But is there anything else I can help with?"

He shook his head.

"i will do that and no you may go, I see you with Phasma and the others on the platform of the Base"

I nodded and stood up and opened the door to exit the room.

"If you need some more advice about other things you always can always ask me"

He nodded and looked at me.

"thanks Krystal, I may say you are different than your brother. I mean you don't act like him though."

I chuckled and nodded my head. He is right I am different then him.

"your not wrong Hux, I don't feel me special because I have the force and others don't. It's just the perfect way for the First Order to win"

Hux looked surprised about what I said and I left the room. I walked to my living quarters to change in some other clothes I saw a box laying with my name on and took it and opened and saw like a jumpsuit kinda looking armor and saw a little card and read it.

" Dear sister, I can't give it to you in person but I know you told me how you wanted to have your armor and I let it made. I hope that this fits you perfectly, and you may wear it for the activation of the Base."

I read it and smiled, my brother is still the person I know, I thought to my self. I started to dress me up and saw there was a mask with it, it's similar like that of Ky. But this one was all black the silver outlines like ky are black with me. I love it I really do. I put on everything and went to Phasma. I actually never told her what the new name would be or did someone else already told her? I thought to my self while I was on my way to her office. While I arrived at her office I knocked on the door and she said I could come in.

"Hello Aria, wait Ren told me you got your new name. Excited it is tell me whats the name, tell me while we are going to the platform."

I smiled I guess I think my brother was right this is better then the resistance and more excited. I was not paying attention to Phasma who was telling me we are going to the platform.

"sorry I was lost in thoughts, I was thinking about... well I have accepted the dark side but not completely and I guess after the the the base has done its work I finally gave in completely and my past is absolutely nothing to me"

I said to her and looked at her, while she smiled and chuckled she put on her armored helmet and we both walked to the platform of the base.

"So, your name what is it? and btw your mask... It's similar to that of your brother."

She said to me while I grinned under need my masks and looked in front of me.

"The name is Krystal Ren"

I said and looked at her, we arrived at the platform and Hux stood where a mic was and looked at us while we arrived. Especially to me I nodded at him and smiled underneath the mask. I have to say it was pretty cold the base but my suit made sure I was kept warm. I stood next to Phasma and behind us where other officers and other people. While in front where tie fighters/pilots, stormtroopers, and many other of our weapons.

-Then Hux started to begin his speech.-


Thanks, for the 160 reads guys I love you all


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