Chapter 6

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I looked at him and grabbed his hand.

"Ben I will join you but leave the others alone..."

He looked at me with a proud smile and nodded his head

"I knew you couldn't resist to it I'll train you but we have to go to Snoke. To inform him we have two force users in the order."

I nodded my head, so Snoke is the one that made my brother like this? I thought to myself. He led me to the throne room where Snoke was and he kneeled down to him so I copied him and kneeled next to him.

"Supreme Leader, this is Aria Solo my sister. She was captured together with the Resistance pilot on Jakku. She and the pilot and the traitor tried to escape but she couldn't. She is prepared to join us."

He said while still kneeling. It pained me to join them but it's my only choice.


Was all he said well he demanded it more.

"I understand why you want to join. Your parents have hidden the truth about us. We aren't the bad guys the resistance are!"

Snoke spoke to me his words where playing in my mind and I nodded my head.

"Kylo would train you how to use the force and a lightsaber, and besides that you will train just like him with the knights of Ren. You both are dismissed."

He said and kylo and I walked out of the throne room.

"I guess I call you Kylo right now?"

He chuckles, and nodded his head.

"Well just Brother can too, but you have to change your name too"

He told me, I nodded my head and sighs softly. I wasn't really ready to change everything but it's just how things go.

"I'll think about it I don't know yet what name."

I told him honestly, he simply nodded his head he showed me around Starkiller Base. While we walked around a pale man who's hair was slicked back with a reddish color, walked to us.

"Ren is this the Resistance girl who tried to escape with the Tie Silencer?"

He asked kylo, I looked at the young man with ginger hair and just smiled weakly.

"Hux, This is my sister Aria. She will join the First Order. She is force sensitive so I'll train her together with the Knights of Ren."

Kylo told the young man Called Hux. I could see he was already annoyed by Kylo and now I joined too he was more pissed off.

"Well Ren I hope she doesn't destroy the walls of the base or the ships while having  a tantrum."

He said annoyed at him, and turned his head to face me with the same look on his face. He then walked away before he gave my brother a last glance.

"Destroy walls?"

I said with a little chuckle and a raised eyebrow was placed on my face.

"I don't answer on that and you will see soon enough"

He said with a slight chuckle too. I had to admin Hux wasn't a bad looking person. Then my brother snapped his head at me.

"Aria! Don't think like that of him! He is nobody for us!"

I raised an eyebrow at him again and tilted my head. I gave him a sign to continue tell me why he said that.

"The General doesn't really like Force users and especially not the knights of Ren and me, so probably also not you because your my sister."

He said and looked at me with a warning expression on his face. He just didn't liked the General either. And especially he doesn't like my thoughts about the General. I just didn't say anything and just nodded my head on what he was saying.

"I'll show you your chamber. Since you joined the first order and i'm your brother. Your Chamber will be next to mine."

I smiled softly at him and just followed him where he was leading me to a hallway where metal doors were. He pressed on a button next to the door and the door opened it by itself. I walked into the room and it was bigger than my room in the resistance base. There where even several other doors so I looked around in awe.

"I'll let you roam around and show you the rest of the base"

He said and I just simply nodded my head while facing him. It was still hard for me to see that mask on his head. But soon I will adjust to it. So I roamed around my quarters and found out a large bedroom, Bathroom and even a kitchen. I bet this is not a standard sleeping quarter. All the walls were black and silver and a lot of light. I walked back to the kitchen to looked for a glass and fill it with some water from the sink. Then I heard someone knock on the steel door and opened the door.

"I'm Coming!"

I yelled at the person who was behind the steel door I thought it was Kylo he returned back but I pressed the door and was greeted by someone else.

"Hi, Your Aria right? I'm-"

Who will it be? Will it be General Hux or not?

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